Who Am I?

Story by Desolation35 on SoFurry


Love, or lust; want, or need; think, or know; everything has a reflection or a different way to look at it. Yet, only he who can see the world around him crumble beneath his feet find the answers of his journey. One may think it is easy to determine the differences, but is it really a fact by what you think? One may find it difficult; he is more down to earth than the other. It all just seems immeasurable by estimation or actuality. But still I wonder why all of this abolishes my inner sentiment. Yet, I still have not discovered where I myself stand in this world. I have never truly found out who I am. This world can sometimes tell me, but then a paradox can consume those thoughts. I have not given consent of who or what tells me what I am and what I am here for. If only I could find the answers of where I lay or stand, I would know how to control my own being. But who is there to tell me? Who is there to guide my travels of discovery and truth? Only I. No other being but my own self. Others may contribute on my travels without even realizing it, but I can never find out if it is fantasy or reality. For finding those differences is the true key of finding out the actual being that I am.