A leech in my mind that does not take away, but instead creates a nuisance. Heartless am I without love and one to hold dearly; there is no substitute for the happiness that love itself gives. The sensations and feelings of ecstacy are irreplaceable...
Nothing seems like it goes away forever, but it can leave for a short amount of time. Withing that time, you are able to live to your fullest. With the feeling coming back, you feel helpless and hopeless. Feeling empty is the worst feeling. Nobody...
Falling Through Again
How can I fall again into the deep crevice that holds my faults? Such a feat would be achieved from one with low fortitude and will to fight back. Emotions cannot always be controlled, but when they are you are left blank with how you were able to...
Through the City
I look upon the city lights dreaming of a long trip. Am I the one driving? Not necessarily. I dream of a leader; filled with a sense of responsibility, honesty, and devotion. They want to show me everything as I want to show them. Do I...
Pull me through the cracked ice that lay beneath my feet. Let me fall with what I created. Is it not too late to turn back? Will the cracks that spread themselves around me last to hold my mistakes? I used to have time, but I waited too long. I...
The True Reason
It's not out of desperation, but it is out of the feeling and fear of being alone. It's not the fact that family accompaniment is not enough, but the feeling that the love from my family is somewhat forced upon. Like that they feel compelled to have...
This consistency of mixed feelings towards subjects and certain people conjure questions in my mind. Am I bi-polar? Do I have a split personality? I find love, but one or two weeks in I start to hate the love that I feel. If I end what I wanted to have...
To ___.
In one way, I know why it shouldn't happen for a reason. Not everything is how one wants it, but the chance of it happening gives a temporary thrill and the hope of it to be reality. Upon first introduction, a thought ran through my mind, but was then...
Who Am I?
Love, or lust; want, or need; think, or know; everything has a reflection or a different way to look at it. Yet, only he who can see the world around him crumble beneath his feet find the answers of his journey. One may think it is easy to determine...
The Time In Between
I feel as if I have left some important parts of me behind in the dust that is kicked up from each step I take forward. Being distracted with the future has somewhat blinded me of my past, but I still see it present every now and again. The array of...
Hope and Sorrow
My eyes grow heavy and diluted with copious amounts of thought. I cannot even begin to comprehend the situation which I have gotten myself mixed into. All I did was take a sip out of the pool of emotion; that of which landed me love. Despite the soft...
Everlasting Distractions
So I have this crush... They don't know that I adore them to the extent of love, but they know that I care about them as a really good friend. That's what I throw myself out to be. The part of which they don't know is how much more I care for them...