Falling Through Again

Story by Desolation35 on SoFurry

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How can I fall again into the deep crevice that holds my faults? Such a feat would be achieved from one with low fortitude and will to fight back. Emotions cannot always be controlled, but when they are you are left blank with how you were able to tame.

I wonder how I am able to be attracted to the things I am. "Why?" I ask myself. "Why exactly am I like this? All others are able to keep norm with their nature, but I stray for what is deemed _un_natural?"

Answers may never come, but I may also come to a day where a void is filled. One day can prove what the answer may or may not be, but it can also say nothing at all. The one drive is what keeps me moving forward towards that answer, for it could unlock part of my future.

I am also left wondering whether or not the future itself will slip through hints given in riddles concrete or in plain sight. Lessons learned and wisdom shared, every riddle can be solved with the correct path given, and that path itself can bring those hints from the subtle background to the focused foreground.