College Bound: Excerpt


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College Years

College Years Chapter 3 Allen It was 5:00 am and I was already up, making breakfast in the small kitchen that was in the dorm. Eggs and bacon was this morning's breakfast. As I cooked, I began to think back to what had happened yesterday when I ran...

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Towers of Seshin: Part 3

_So I had my friend do a thing. And that thing is an amazing thing. And I can't wait for you guys to see that thing. I know I'm being vague, but I'm just too excited to actually tell you. It's so integral to the story though, so can you blame me?...

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College Bound: Chapter 3 - Keeping Secrets

Here's more story! omg I really need to stop writing so quickly or else I'm just gonna hit a wall and I'm gonna be in Writer's Block, but I can't help it! I get these ideas in my head and I have to write them down! And before I know it, I have another...

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Shades of Grey

**Shades of Grey** ** ** "You're ridiculous. No one's ever going to take you seriously, don't you know that?" The chestnut mare set her jaw and threw a buck, head between her forelegs. The black stallion over the electric fence tape snickered...

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The Journey: Prologue

Despite having the mind of an alakazam, blaze was still playful when the opportunity presented itself, this lead to some inner conflict but he generally ignored it.

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"BLEU" - Disorientation

Watched a professional psychoanalyst describing her experiences, and a phrase created an intense inner conflict as i just became dazed with tears flowing.

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I actually wrote it and as i stood there and watched the sentence i had an inner conflict of sending it or not sending it. i wanted to follow my heart, which i did, but i had a little fear of how he would react to this question.

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Hypnovember 2023 - Twinkle, Nirvana

"you are in some inner conflict, nervous, uncertain about something. i intend to help relieve you of those fears, by showing you your future."she laid her cards out on the table, face down.

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Beside that inner conflict, jason wanted external conflict...a strange town? something out of the twilight zone, maybe? like, it was stuck in a different time or something. it sounded good, but could he get anywhere with it?

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The Anthrotransformers - Chapter 2: 'First' Training

Aaron always had an inner conflict of if he should be social or not with anthros who weren't a wolf as base being.

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Summer Sushi (redux)

Parts of it are the same but i changed the name of one of the characters and gave the ending to this chapter a different tone that fits better with the next chapter, plus an actual inner conflict with one of the characters that i hadn't bothered to think of

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