The Journey: Prologue
#1 of The Journey
My first work, I'm testing the waters to see if this is a good idea to continue with.
*I don't own pokemon, and will not be making any money off of this. Pokemon is owned by The Pokémon Company and I am not affiliated. This would be my first work and I'm interested if you would like me to continue on with this story. *
He awoke aside the fire, the night still having a few hours left. It had been two years ago that he started his journey alone. Let me back up a little, Blaze was a charmeleon, a psychic charmeleon. His mother being his kin while his father an alakazam. Nobody thought this was possible, there were no previous records of tales of anything like this happening. Aside from his type, Blaze's father also passed down his intelligence. In case you are not aware Alakazams are some of the brightest pokemon alive with IQ's exceeding 5000. This was a gift and a curse for the charmeleon as he lived his life being mentally superior to other pokemon, and could never find anyone to relate to. He could have civil conversations but could never get around to discussing high philosophy with others, except his father, who passed away when he was a charmander. Even though his father died while he was still young he still remembered everything he had thought him, he generally had an outstanding memory which led to more turmoil as some things he would have rather left in the past. Despite having the mind of an alakazam, Blaze was still playful when the opportunity presented itself, this lead to some inner conflict but he generally ignored it.
Moving back to where we started, two years ago, something happened that plagues Blaze's mind every night. *sigh*, Blaze stared into the fire the remnants of his past swirling in his head. He grew cold, and moved into the fire falling asleep as it gave him warmth. He awoke a few hours later the fire burnt out, he heard some pidgeys chirping in the distance. Raising his body temperature to the needed heat he ate the last of his berries, he would have to scavenge for more later. He got up, stretched and started to continue his walk. He had nothing specific in mind of where he wanted to go, in fact he had passed several towns already. He bought food he needed by fighting off trainers and taking their money. Even though he was a wild pokemon, pokeballs could never capture him, the red beam would just deflect off of him. And trainers curiously accepted his challenges, as they had never seen this kind of behavior before. Being fire psychic, he was able to win most of his bouts, leaving the trainers stupefied as to what had happened.
There was something else that was strange. Every night, before he fell to sleep he sensed something calling out to him, trying to lure him in a certain direction. He sensed this not in any of the 5, but in what had only been described to him as an aura. He had meditated for many hours on what it was, and it determined that he would follow it but to always keep his guard up. So, he walked, onward towards wherever he felt the call, ready for whatever came next.
And so the prologue ends, let me know what you think, any constructive criticism is welcome :)