Zombiology - Grizzly Bear

This one is about a grizzly bear. the grizzly bear blinked sleepily as he ambled lazily from his den. large jaws opened wide in a leisurely yawn, exposing rows of finger-long teeth.

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Oh Dear

The man was a giant grizzly bear, literally. "okay i'll make you into an honest woman, but how do i do that?" "well in the vixen's tale, scotty had to go out and buy a ring for angela in order to make her a honest woman."

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The Snow King Part 2

After being filled with salmon, the grizzly bear showed johnny a soft bed of reeds where he could sleep. morning came and the grizzly bear served johnny some more salmon before he could continue the journey.

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Laughing All the Way to the...

A bank, a few friends, and one mistake is all it takes to ruin a good Halloween scheme. No matter how planned out, how perfectly theorized, there's bound to be a hitch or two. Those hitches could put the entire operation, and possibly the crew...

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The Plushie Dungeon Two! [Comm]

On mounted horseback he saw an otter, a grizzly bear, a weasel, and badger all sitting atop their noble steeds.

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The Life of Another - Character Guide *SPOILER ALERT*

bear | grizzly bear with a zebra stripe pattern in his fur | | sarah thurlington, (counselor) | 28/female | arctic fox (marble fox) | has the physical appearance of a marble fox, parents are arctic foxes | | steven hampton (natsume's

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Teddy is a happy bear

The grizzly bear gulped. he hadn't noticed the first two times, but now he could clearly see that he was repeating the sentence with exactly the same tone and rhythm.

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Vampire Days

The three of them walked to school together most days, and the cougar and the grizzly bear were glad to see the weasel approaching. "hey issac" denis said.


Grizzley Encounter

He slid down the incline and ran toward the grizzly bear. now the most sensible thing to do when it comes to a bear attack is to play dead, unfortunately jacob wasn't doing much to promote that, and the bear looked hungry.

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The Orphan and the Priest Chapter 5

There was a new boy in his class, a grizzly bear named marcus, who had stood up to the bullies after school and befriended steven. as the two had no other friends, the two quickly became best friends. but, a trouble arose, as it always does.

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Here, Fishy Fishy!

grizzly bears... in... spaaaaaaace! this story was originally a submission to furaffinity's thursday prompt writing group. **here, fishy fishy!

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The Fog, Chapter 1

The drivers name was john otterbear, he was an otter/grizzly bear hybrid. he wore his usual loose off-white shirt, tweed waistcoat, goggles (which he kept above his eyes), light brown trousers and no shoes.

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