I am human

I am human days lived count easier than the mistakes I've made Dragging my shoes through my escapade A wanderer With no destination in sight I lift up my face but drop my eyes For the skies hold nothing for someone like me wannabe a stranger...

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Eclipse's World

This this will a story that am planing making my self during Night time.


A Call to Peace

With it being the holidays I wrote this thinking about what's been going on in the world from the Virginia Tech shooting, to soldiers over seas and problems within families. It's the holidays, open your minds and your hearts to what this time of...


Poem #11: Words

#11 of poetry critical thinking about human use and connotation of words themselves. wrote it in (not for) english class junior year. _words_ what are words written across the page? what emotions are written into these words?

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Writer's Block

The words are on the tip of the tongue, but they just won't come.


My Murder story

#1 of 100 word stories i'm adopted, i like it though. my family was nice. i had an older sister, and a baby brother. i'm telling you this because my family is dead.. the killer entered through the back door.


Ballad of a Broken Heart

This is a spoken word i wrote a few days ago when i saw a picture from an artist and was inspired to write this. it was an image of a girl wearing a wedding gown and was crying. i figured i'd write something to sum up the pain she was in.

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Lyrics *First song writer* NO MELODY*

Hi i am trying to write lyrics atm, i dont have a melody or any music just the lyrics. please comment to let me know and dont be too mean. Track 1 I wana live now I wana live forever I wana live to forget I wana live to remember I wana live to...

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Spoken Word: You Will Never

I'm not a huge fan of poetry or spoken word. but i feel like this is the only way to get my feelings out into the open now a days. it's not like my voice makes much of a difference.

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The Dictators We Call Poets

Tyrants of paper, we crack the whip that is our quill upon words' backs. we command them to become beautiful, to show our pride.

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Top verse and bottom have similar words, just opposite in meaning. tu / voz / _sin acción_ el / luz / _reducción_ _no_ / estas tan / cerca como crees / que / creer.

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Words Cannot Express

Though words cannot express, i hope this gives you a clue, as to how much i love you.

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