The Dictators We Call Poets

tyrants of paper, we crack the whip that is our quill upon words' backs. we command them to become beautiful, to show our pride.

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An Epitaph for Badrang the Tyrant

An epitaph for badrang the tyrant by foxpiper here lies the body of badrang the tyrant, who was viewed by all beasts as a vermin most violent; he was felled by a fighter, that abhorred the blasted blighter; thus, his roars

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A Dark History, a New Story

Chancellors whose votes count as one and the tyrant, whose vote is worth eight, as you can see, the chancellors have enough power to stop the tyrant but not to turn against him.

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A Dark History, A New Story... (Chapter 1) - "A Father's Death"

When the tyrant is as far as 5 feet away, the cat lowers his paw and forms a fist with it placing it over his heart, flexes his left knee and bows to the tyrant, all in a single move.

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Magnus Chronicles: Ancients Awakening: Chapter 5

It takes a great warrior of many years to be able to face a tyrant without buckling from the great bellow that a tyrant can compose. but even then, there is no assurance that the warrior will survive the encounter."

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A Dark History, A New Story... (Prologue)

._ the council is formed by nine members, the eight chancellors, each representing a continent, and the tyrant. the council makes its decisions through voting. each of the chancellors' votes is worth one point, while the tyrants' is worth eight.

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Resident Furry Virus Chronicles: Antarctia

Max snarled stopping a punch in a single paw before stopping another bracing himself as he started to push the heavy tyrant backwards along the platform before he growled deeply and with one swift movement he broke both of tyrants arms like they were dry twigs

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For those who don't know,hayato hamasaki is a new tyrant in japan (this is fictional by the way,none of these events in this book happened in japanese history.

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Brains And Brawn

While barely even a year old, he killed the prior top raccoon, tyrant, ending his reign of terror over the forests of north-east america.


Desecrated by Desertion

The few that were still loyal to this twisted tyrant would need to make their own decisions and to escape while they still could.

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risen Den story

Your queen is a tyrant who kills all who stand her good and evil doesn't matter for her as long as it's in her way she will remove it our lovely queen is not a tyrant you fool one of the wolves shot the union soldier on the shoulder he fell on the ground bleeding

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That tyrant... the one who's men have been terrorizing the village, they're coming back and in force." a fiery redheaded neko stared at the bee-like fairy girl for a moment. she seemed a tad anxious at first.

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