My fire type best friend.
when I was five, I got a vulpix as a gift When I was ten, the vulpix was my best friend At fifteen, I would not be seen without my best friend At twenty, I had plenty to give to my old best friend At twenty five I was dirty, as I buried my best...
Morphia Episode 3: The Guild War Challenge
From the looks of it, much of the shining moltres team consisted of fire types, where as our team was more diversified. still, we had no water types to counteract their fire types.
He Who Slept for Forty Nights
"you must be blossom," the fire-type assessed.
Another Day, Another Mission...
The fire-type was, indeed, a loaf, as he just sorta took his time to wake up, taking in the harsher-than-usual sunlight and getting back enough energy to get up and gather some food.
Another Day, Another Mission...
The fire-type was, indeed, a loaf, as he just sorta took his time to wake up, taking in the harsher-than-usual sunlight and getting back enough energy to get up and gather some food.
A Sticky Situation
How she'd love to brag to her siblings that she had caught a fire-type in her web. but for now she was hungry and her meal was near ready for her.
Veno's Triple Meals
She had to get the fire-type cause the last thing she wanted was to be blasted by her weakness.
After the Storm - Part 24 [The Visitors]
That meant that he has a fire type partner nearby.
[c] The glutton's comeuppance
The fire-type was toddling along, clutching his tummy and whining, making a big scene, so the team leader had elected to shoulder cynders's burdens until his compatriot started feeling better.
Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 9
_why the hell are those two fire types suddenly so aggressive?_ i thought annoyed. my thoughts were immediately interrupted as i felt a paw tap my shoulder.
Half-wolf Pokemon adventure ch 5
I shook the fire type quickly as he continued to talk in his nightmare. "please, d-don't leave. junior, come back!" he pleaded. "typhlosion! wake up!" i kept shaking him to no effect. then i had an idea.
Don't Spoil a Pet!
But for right now, i gotta clean up here." > > no fire-type particularly liked water, but night had no problems moving all the pans and dishes to the sink and turning on the hot water.