A Sticky Situation
A Quilava finds himself caught by a hungry Ariados.
I had to try my hand at some Spider vore so I thought: why not have my little OC have a run in with one of my favorite bug-types?
The Quilava once again found himself lost on Route 37 in Johto as always. He could blame his being lost on the fact the sun had gone down and the night was dark, but in reality he is just terrible at finding his way.
He's supposed to be heading in the other direction to where he was going, but he didn't know that as he walks in the tall grass, avoiding the occasional wandering trainer that would have loved to capture him, his being what they call Starters.
He had put out his usual flames for this reason to sneak about, all the while he could risk using them to light his way, which of course he'd not take. He heard a sudden sound of quick paws and caught a blurred glimpse of a large Pokemon that he supposed looked blue and white but he couldn't confirm as it moved so quickly. Once again leaving him alone.
So on he moved, lifting up from the tall grass to see where he was and always met with disappointment at the still fact that he was lost.
Of course, it was the dark where usual predators are. Gin had managed to fight off some with his fire that comes out of the top of his head and along his tale area. The brightness along with the flame usually startled them and gave him time to flee..
But there is one predator that would make a daring attempt. Or rather, Gin will have to make a daring attempt to escape. Because he didn't see the thick webbing along the tree line that had reached the ground. He had chosen to go along the trees, which would prove to be a mistake when suddenly he found one of his paws that had stepped out suddenly caught in a sticky.. net? His face quickly followed which scared him and made him panic and flail about only to get more and more tangled in the netting. His fire finally came out and he burned the netting which turned out to be webbing, freeing himself to his relief.
Of course, the vibrations of panicked prey had attracted the one that had created the webbing and she was not going to let this one escape, even though it was a Fire-Type and she was weak against it. She was quickly and quietly ambushing her prey when he was burning her beautiful web, all focused on that that the little Fire-Type had no idea that she was upon him until she grabbed hold of him with her sharp legs.
Having been mostly free and smiling with relief, it was only when some sharp things suddenly grabbed him and the bite made him yelp as two sharp teeth dug into his back. A warm feeling washing over him and he found himself sinking into darkness for a minute.
When he woke up, he noticed with worry that his mouth was closed so he couldn't use his fire. His paws were tied along with most his body, and to add to terror, he was no longer on the ground but far above it. A muffled scream sounded from him as he froze, more afraid to fall.
The Ariados finally shown herself to him, much to his fear and even in the dark he could see her.. but he did have to look at her oddly. Weren't her species red? She looked like a light purple even in the darkness.. and if it weren't for his situation, he'd find her quite beautiful.
She admired her prey and was happy she had got him in the tree and even when he was awake he couldn't get free. How she'd love to brag to her siblings that she had caught a Fire-type in her web. But for now she was hungry and her meal was near ready for her.
Her legs walked along the web with ease and grace, coming closer towards the Quilava who began to weakly wiggle and struggle, his muffled words were most likely the usual pleas her past food gave. Which she always didn't heed, he was caught, if he couldn't accept that then to bad. Even when his fire shot from his head and behind, it couldn't burn the webbing, heat it yes but enough to be free? No. She had thought this all through and was pleased with herself and enjoyed the fact that the Quilava seemed to know with horror that he was stuck.
Gin tried to tell her to release him, pleading and threatening as always. It went unheard either by the fact his mouth was webbed shut or the more obvious reason: she didn't care. All she saw was a plump pokemon. As she got closer, he struggled more, fire bursting forth but it didn't grant him any freedom. He struggled to move to try to turn his back to her so he could use his fire to keep her at bay.. he could barely move and even as he did succeed, she moved quickly to the side and only sprayed more of her webbing upon him. His fire burned through it and he continued to try to stop her adding more webbing and managing to only burn the webs on his head and tail, the rest of him was soon covered and if one were to ignore the fire that shot out, they'd not know what kind of Pokemon he originally was.
Her delight now was he was struggling to look around even when the webbing blackened his vision. He didn't know where she was and his struggling helped her move about so he couldn't feel her movement. She moved slowly towards him, finding it fun that his flames were slowly becoming less and less powerful, seems these Fire-Types had a limit. It was a good thing to learn.
Her fangs were coated with something else, nothing that would temporarily make him sleep like last time. This was for the feast he'll become. Her fangs pierced through her web with ease and she heard a yelp as she bit into his side, the wiggling increasing as she injected her venom into the Quilava.
Gin felt the sharp pain again in his side so close to his soft belly, her venom filling him with heat that burned at him at first and he struggled more, yelping and crying for help that was muffled. With the burning distracting him, she plucked him carefully from her web and began to spin him as her web continued to coat him, while he could still breathe, none of him could escape.
The feeling should be more painful than it was. The venom was acidic, meant to melt his organs and make them into soup for her. The venom was doing it's job, but the little Quilava didn't notice that he was dying. The feeling left him feeling warm and pleasant. He couldn't understand it, the venom either did this or his brain could only produce this because it knew the body was melting within the skin, breaking down.
The process was slow and the fangs every once in awhile was felt, followed by and occasional sucking sound. She began to drink at his liquefying body happily drinking him down. Gin at times tried to move away from her but he always found he couldn't. She was drinking all of him up while he was alive.
As less and less of him remained in his webbed cocoon, more and more filled her body up. Gin was devoured and she drank him all up, enjoying the spicy flavor he had. His cocoon would be all that was left of him as the Ariados settles down in her nest, full of her meal and awaited the next little prey that stumbled in and secretly hoped it was another delicious Fire-Type.