star wars rise of the sith episode 1 part 1 prologue (good version)

Damon was walking through the endor battlegrounds. his brain was flooded by what choices were coming up next. Damon used to be a jedi but now he is a sith. " why " Damon said in a cold, dark voice. he nearly killed his friend. one part of him said...

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Star Wars Saber Squadron promo.

darth vader stood watching the void of space through the windows of the star destroy _judgment_, the star destroyer put in charge of blockade. darth vader was the absolute most feared individual in the imperial command second only to the emperor himself.

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The CCC Chapter one

Zimbu was half hydra and was misjudged by others making him super duper more evil than darth vader when he had a bad cheese burger at mc galaxy so zimbu was walking down the streets one day when he heard a beutiful princess talking...

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Star Wars VIII: Shadows of the Past (8)

I found the remains of the countless jedi my...darth vader killed during order 66. i also found the old jedi archives. i studied countless star charts and systems, and that's how i learned about tython and ahch-to." "but i don't get it," ray said.

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Kazufox Interview #6

\*darth vader\*: take his ship. \*breathes\* \*ruto\*: kill him! \*lady nightshade\*: send him to slippy world! \*iamertai\*: no!! not even he deserves that! (shudders) \*jolteon\*: true, all we want to do this time is send him...a warning.

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Just Once: Time for an Awkward Coffee Shop Date

It's one where darth vader travels back in time and stops his past self from turning to the dark side, and convinces him to kill palpatine. i know i'd go that far if i had to for my true love" albus said. jem replied "and who would that be?"

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Toni's Diary Entry #5 - The Case of the Missing Church Pants

Among those things were some halloween costumes such as elvis presley or darth vader. since i was the one who took out the trash in the house, i would take those costumes along with some other ugly shirts i didn't like, and i would just throw them away.

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The hack: Chapter 8 (Trent)

'no you are not since a he is my darth vader and b is that it won't solve anything' i told her. 'fine, by the way you're eating air' she said as i stopped eating and went in my room with aron following suit.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 61

Sure it wasn't quite as thrilling as standing boldly in front of a wave three times his height and a million times his mass and more force power than darth vader, but the activity had something about it that was just "easy."

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Something About This Night

Let's pretend for a moment you're luke skywalker... this guy is your darth vader; your biggest threat.

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The Perfectly Average Boy

And josh realized that it was yet another darth vader ripoff. the telekinetic choke. crap, he could do that, from however far he was, communicating through a hologram machine? how far away was he?

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Rebels and Empire

"darth vader," chris whispered. "he must be planning the strike from the movie!" cimmaron turned to luke. "it's too late to stop him now. the captain will have given the empire all they need to make the attack.

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