Broken Legacy: Index

This take takes place in the starwars and starfox universe. some words therefore require either previous understanding or some help. so i decided to leave you all a chart to reference. mandalorian words and translation.



Barusha Nedir thought he had seen everything as a proud member of the Resistance but he still prepared for what his newest assignment would bring. Arriving on the planet Keth'rusha located somewhere in the Outer Rim, Barusha began following directions...


Studies and Reunions

Jaib Tsacoom. Even the most wisest of Jedi Masters would only whisper the name and for a good reason. For it was the prison of one of the most notorious Jedi Masters that have ever graced the Temple's halls. As a history buff, Abilash Momeni longed to...

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A Meeting in Coruscant

Coruscant. That very name brought fond memories to Rez Mapothera as his ship descended to the city-planet's surface. Originally born on Batuu, Rez spend a lot of his years as a youngling there due to his father moving their fledgling business to...

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The CCC Chapter one

A long time ago in the land of Nigeria there was a Cruel prince named Zimbu. Zimbu was half hydra and was misjudged by others making him super duper more evil than darth vader when he had a bad cheese burger at mc galaxy So Zimbu was...

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When babues woe wangs copter 2

Ok so mr.babay flew away into the sunset making the illuminati who was casing him fly away on Dere Future Stuff from the future _ **like their super mahgikel scooters with wangas and suuch** _ Kay so mr bay bay was fling away from the...

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Jimmy's Day

It was true that the new starwars mmo looked rather interesting, especially considering how it had managed to dodge some of the annoying issues with stiff backdrops and settings.

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