Your fancy space suit (Commission for anonymous).edited
"You can't be serious, right?...." Said Isaac, the anthropomorphic Siamese-Cat, stood by the side of his teammate. An equal anthropomorphic fox boy named Viri. "I mean, come on. What is it that could happen after all?" "Seriously,...
The Big Break
After getting more dressed and covering the body suit up a bit, the boy didn't feel as awkward about it. the next task was to prepare a bag of his things, which included a change of clothes and some snacks from the kitchen.
Dark Skies, Part II: Up to Speed
Setting the helmet and my gauntlet on the table in the room i pulled off my body suit, and set it on the nearby stand.
Chapter One
I dropped to my knees and reached out toward spirit, concern for the coyote girl's well-being overriding my shock, only to see her body-suit dissolve into thin air, leaving her as stark naked as i'd been in our first encounter.
Farumir Works - FAQ
I am not open for body-suits, feet or led lights at this time, as i have not completed my own body-suit yet, so i do not want to get customers' hopes up and offer to sell things i cannot make.
The Fursuit
The two suits of leon and alex where hanging on the closet, the head where on top and look into the room with they're permanent smiles, the paws standing under the body suits and the hand paws where laying next to rick's school book.
Gemini – Chapter 12: Life Goes On
Some whispered, some gasped and some just stared awkwardly at him, he then realised that he was still in the skin tight full body suit and covered in sweaty matted fur.
WeylandYutaniCorporation Date Log22361AG
Among those present, raych might have been the anthro with a youthful appearance in his mid-twenties wearing the most revealing body suit.
Completing Preparations
My very nerves tingle as my fingers brush against fur while i pull a black full-body suit from the case. what was soon to be my body.
Shiny Cookie
As she got closer she saw the smooth "body suit" covering the women. kara had never seen such a perfect skin tight suit in her life.
Gemini – Chapter 11: Redemption
Off she ran leaving him behind, only to come back with a rather raggedy black full body suit. "you can wear this, i know it looks a bit... thread bare but it should do for now" clover looked at both her and the suit strangely. "what?
Star Wars Saber Squadron promo.
He wore a very intimidating full body suit of black armor which covered every part of his body and a respirator mask and helmet which covered his reportedly disfigured body.