Bio-Morph FAQ 2

** a nominal tax, roughly about 1%, on all bio-morph and bio-morph related transactions.

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Jacks Tail: Chapter-13 Goofing Off

Mobs of them burned down bio-morph-staffed businesses, before slaughtering them on camera and hoisting them up on poles.

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Bio-Morph FAQ 1

bio-morph f.a.q. **what is a bio-morph?** bio-morph is short for biological anthropomorphic robot, the media shortened it to bio-morph and the name stuck. **so is this just the standard anthropomorphic animal race by another name?

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Jackie-The-Junior Retaliation Part-one

"i will make sure you don't forget your betters, the cis gender bio-morph females.

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Jackie-The-Junior Blackmail

The humans go into cars that already have more humans than bio-morphs in them, and the bio-morphs just go for a car that's either mostly empty or has other bio-morphs.

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Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Birth

"you're a pregnant bio-morph, and you've never heard of cub season?" i'm wheeled past other rooms with the sounds of other women in labor echoing from them. bio-morph women. 'i'm a convert with a gender flip stacy.

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Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Old-Friends

"if a bio-morph is spotted by a drone, the canadian authorities will do a 'best effort' search for them lasting two to three months. it's so the mounties aren't bogged down with endless escapee requests while they also give an out for the bio-morphs.

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Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Justice

As if having bio-morph officers would've stopped it.

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Jacks Tail: Chapter-14 Rest Stop

At first i thought it was a person but as we speed closer i notice it's a bio-morph.

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Jack's Tail: Chapter-11 Escape

The rest of bio-morphs pass me by, eager to get inside their residential containers and the warmth they provide. the last two bio-morphs to leave are red and alpha, walking side by side.

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Jacks Tail: Chapter-8 Cracks

He works for a larger sub contractor in the bio-morph industry. i don't recall the name of the company or what it is 'supposed to do' sadly.

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Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Second-Chances

I wonder who she is though, the only bio-morphs i've seen here are either inmates or visiting families. not one of the staff are bio-morphs.

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