Jacks Tail: Chapter-13 Goofing Off

I really shouldn't have spent so much time tying up the bathroom with my vanity. looking back and forth down either way in the hallway, i notice patrick carrying some hiking backpacks.

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The two that faced vanity pt(1)

If it goes well i'll keep doing so i probably made a few mistakes but it should be poem and poetry + story worthy just let me know what you think i might do a continuation of this one i'll probably give the two a name and this is based off of me i have vanity

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Misplaced by type - Chapter 10a: Gym Rivals

I added which made vanity gasp with sudden realization. "i was saved by my memories." i thought to myself as i found the girls stare at vanity. "you're right!" vanity shouted as she ran up the stairs.

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Aspiring Authors Toll Road to Publication

vanity press the vanity press is one avenue to pursue though not looked on as kindly as other methods of self-publication.

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Ballade Against Cheesemongery

(he snatches mozzeralla on the wing, for he desires no vanity in cheese.) prince, you sent me pepper-corned edam with citron-oil essence. remove it please: its power to sour my gut, your soul to damn! i do desire no vanity in cheese.

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War Paint

He, too was a victim of vanity and pride but not to the same extent. vanity took the form of image- how to wear the cool blue masculinity like the leather jacket and sunglasses and the tight blue jeans that screamed manly-man as it did for decades.

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Riku: Chapter 3

And with a little surprise on my part the vanity as well making their way out of the door quickly. she walked up to me and handed me a cloak similar to hers.

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Ben tells a tale.. 5

He nodded to me as i walked over to my mother's vanity. on one side was a very beautiful carved miniature wardrobe which had my attention.

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Terry at Disneymoon

Sitting alone in his new dressing room, terry stares at his reflection in the heart-shaped vanity mirror. his fair skinned face is soft with big cheeks and a round chin.

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Snapshots - The Show Must Go On

Arthur sputtered, falling back against his vanity in his retreat. "m-madam, this is most unusual. what has brought you to my dressing chamber?"

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the unnamed ch 4 We Meet Again

Verrill walked over to the vanity and took a small hand mirror out of one of the drawers.

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Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 4

Shimmer's vanity's emptiness started sparking, as if it were malfunctioning. growler: i'll even give you a turn to live, little girl, before i wipe the floor with you.

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