Misplaced by type - Chapter 10a: Gym Rivals

Story by BlazerRaylock on SoFurry

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#10 of Misplaced by Type

I'm still alive! Okay, so I have that wall in my life turn to a rough path right now, but that's alright by me. So with me being absent, in my story department, I have placed a continuation for my story. But since I had no typing practice for the length of more than a month, I need more time to get my rhythm back and the way I type my stories. but I really appreciate that some of you users are reading my stories.

I present to you all Chapter 10 of Mysplaced by type, a clean entry, a rushed entry, but an entry to mark that I'm still here. But 1st, disclaimers, as usual.

I DON'T OWN Pokemon, nor am I affiliated with them. The story, plot, settings, characters are all under me. If ever it coincides with any other's own work, then I apoligize for the coincidental moment. If you are considered under age from where you live, the domain the site is on or where you are viewing this, leave now. Going beyond this means that I am not responsible for the misfortune or unwanted events that may befall on you.



Gym Rivals

The night sky, the cold and salty breeze, the sounds of waves splashing against the sand, this is a good enough setting of my walk with Vanity... and her sister Sanity. Though, I'm not sure if Vanity knows that I know of Sanity, considering she's practically a Ghost type Charizard. We paced ourselves as I walked between the two females, Vanity leading the way, which I knew both females know where to go. Though the scenery and setting of our walk was placed quite nicely, passing under the streetlights, we were dead silent... I could hear my own breathing and somehow the two ladies beside me are happy.

The chilling touch of Sanity's skin is clearly in contrast with her sister's warmer touch on my arm. We moved about not a word coming out of our mouths until she asked quite solemnly. "Did my dad tell you? You two were outside for some time." Vanity started as she looked down on me. I somehow flinched by her as her soft but straightforward voice pointed at me. "...Uh..." I just mumbled some as I attempted to answer though preventing my other arm from moving until Sanity butted-in. "He knows, why else is he not moving his other arm." She said as her form went solid enough for the two of us and that was then that I finally have a good look at this Ghost type Charizard.

I look to my other side as I saw, a complete copied image of Vanity though her skin was violet. I look back at either one, comparing them more proportionate. Sanity's tail flame burned a blue and internal darker shade of it. She had a very nice white dress on, clearly wearing an exact copy of Vanity's, and a complete contrast once again to her sister's. Her eyes were a ruby red a fact that Vanity has a sapphire blue on hers. Once again, they are opposite but still they are the same.

I look back at Vanity as she looked worried that I would freak out or run away from the two, calling them Freaks but somehow, deep down in my mind, I just wanted them to smile. I smile at Vanity and back at Sanity as I finally moved my chilling left arm and extended it so that I was hooked on to the ladies. This simple change in stance caused a shocking look to Vanity's face and a large smile on Sanity's face. I smiled on to the two as we walked to the twin's idea for an apology date. "I'm ok with this." I explained. "Gar and Flin are not going to believe this." I added as I laughed it off, imagining what the other ladies would think of.

"You're not freaked out about this?" Vanity asked meekly, shy about this whole different situation. "I suppose not. He is clinging onto me." Sanity added as she giggled some. "Who said I WAS clinging." I retorted as Sanity just hooked more of herself onto my left arm as she giggles on. Vanity on the other hand was smiling as I saw on her face. "Happy?" I asked her as a smile was forming on my beak as I blushed some. Vanity continues to smile as we walk on, the ladies leading the way by an arm's length to the place I wasn't so sure about.


It took some time as we walked, but thankfully nothing bad happened, as all 3 of us stood in front of a building that I could place in two groups in my mind, the "Haven't seen that one before." and the "Is that even possible?". I was not sure how to respond. The building was 2 square pyramids; the other placed on top of the pyramid, one upright the other upside down. You could say it was an hourglass shape with 4 fat poles supporting the other 4 sides that are placed perfectly on the other. It was an hourglass with four supporting pillars. And frankly I was staring up while the ladies laughed some at my weird out expression.

"Is it your first time seeing this kind of design?" Vanity said beside me as I look. "Yeah..." I said as that was the only thing I could say at the moment. "Well, be surprised. The lower part is a bar and dance floor while above it is a very interesting and luxurious restaurant, only permitting members and any guest they allow." Sanity said as she smiled wider at my puzzled look at the place.

Before I can add anything to what they said, they started to drag me into the hourglass shaped building. We passed through the sliding doors as we ended up into the lobby of the establishment. It was a color of yellow and bright white as I saw a large and tough looking Machamp in a black suit. (He must be the bouncer.) I thought as we soon stood in front of a tall and lean looking Sceptile. She was as green and as elegant as her scales say she was under the small business like suit.

"Hello, are you here to reserve or to proceed?" She quickly said, her feminine voice proving that my first call on female was right and how her eyes were looking at me more intently. "Ms. Vanity and Sanity Crest" Vanity told the Sceptile at the desk as she checks the list. The tapping sound of her keyboard is evident as she checks and soon smiles at us. "Thank you Ms. Crest, please proceed to the 2 middle elevators." The Sceptile said as the ladies guide me, with my arms on either lady's arm to the elevators.

We were now in front of the hulking Machamp as he frowns at us but takes a glance at the Sceptile female. He took a step aside as we pass and pressed the button on the 2 middle elevators. "So... the other 2 elevators, the outer ones are...?" I trailed as the ladies guide me inside one of the 2 inner elevators. Once the door closes on us, "Those are for the club, with bar and dance floor, but we're going..." Sanity said as she just smiles at me I could feel my beak making out a smile as Sanity's smile look genuine, nothing behind it, just happy. "What we're going is the thing above it, the top half." Vanity clarified, also the same smile on her face.

Looking at the two I wanted to say something but seeing these two ladies just made my heart sink with content. This only fueled a blush on my face as they too look away some, but I notice the blush on Sanity's face more. A shade of violet was evident on her cheeks as she looks on at me, eyes somehow piercing through my soul. Her head looks like it was leaning and so did my head. The world around me somehow gone dark that the only thing I could see was Sanity's leaning face to mine. I can't see where we were and my beak somehow curled. My body felt hot, and my mind just went blank as if I knew what I needed to do. But before anything else could happen-

The elevator sounded off a ring; shocking me to reality and to my shock so did Sanity as our bodies shook. "Is there something wrong?" Vanity asked beside me as she looks faintly worried. I just look at her as I smiled and just let the whole sudden experience slip. "No, just the elevator I guess." I said a smile on my face as I wiggle my arms a bit, shaking the 2 lady's own arms. "But maybe you ladies can release my arms now." I laughed some as I felt like blushing myself with them realizing that they took hold of my arms for so long.

They went from woman to little school girl in a heartbeat as they let my arms go. "Thanks." I said as I shook my shoulders some as we exit the elevator together. "Greetings and welcome to the Time Scale" said a tall and quaint looking Girafarig as he waved a hand signaling us that we have arrived. It was then that I observe the luxurious restaurant that they had in mind.

I see the light and creamy walls, the many red cushion chairs, the yellow and red cloth covered tables. There were even the large chairs good for 4 bodies that face away from the large glass windows looking over the horizon, towards the beach and the moon shining high into the black canvas of the night. "For how many, Ma'am?" the young Girafarig asked us as he stood there beside us, waiting for us to answer. "Three people please." Vanity answered to the young Girafarig. "Separate seats or one good for all?" He added as he smiles at us. "Good for all." Sanity answered as the Girafarig nods knowing our intended seat as he walked ahead of us, "right this way please." He said as we followed the young Pokémon.

We followed him until we were at one of the tables fixed close by to the windows. "Here, this can fit all of you." He said warmly as he let us take our seat. AS usual, I did not have a say on how to sit down since the two girls had flanked me into the center of the large, semi-circular chair. "Please take your time in reading the menu, you can ask any of us to take your order." The young males said as he soon walked out, his waiter suit clearly mending to the scenery of restaurant.

"What are you ladies going to get?" I asked to either lady as I take a peek at the menu, not noticing the ladies on either side of me. "You can get anything, we'll be paying anyway." Said Vanity to my right as her voice was muffled with the menu she had in her claws. "Wait, what?!" I flinched back as I look at the Charizard as her muzzle was stuck in the folds of the menu. "She did say an apology dinner, so you can have anything you wish on the menu." Sanity said at me as I felt her gaze staring at me.

True to my guess, she was looking at me and not at the menu that was on the table. "But I feel guilty if I do so." I said quite informatively at the Ghost Charizard. "Really? Then how about we have fun?" She said with a tone deeply suggestive, a tone I knew well enough. "This is not looking good for me." I thought to myself as I look at the towering female. "I somehow agree to that idea." Vanity added which shocked me further. I look back at the Charizard female and back at her twin sister not knowing what to do at the moment.

"Ladies, please, don't be like this. I have no intention of ruining the night but-" I was cut short as Sanity took hold of my head with her claws as she smiles quite evilly, a broad and toothy grin. Before I could complain she leaned down, our lips touching, sealed and warmly. I could feel her cold but very hot and wet tongue slick through my beak, enticing my own smaller tongue to make an entrance. I was having problems keeping my eyes open as the feeling was so unique and unbelievable.

I soon did not notice but my mind was soon spiraling, as if I was lifted off of the ground, the seats we had vanished. My mind was making a kind of mix, a kind both painful and blissful. I couldn't tell what direction was down as I felt her claws move about, caressing my head as it roamed and examined my head. "HEY! Don't hog him!" said Vanity as her own claws soon grasped my head, again my head tilted upwards to meet the equally tall female in a kiss. My head spun for this as I felt her claw, also examining and roaming my head.

It felt so wonderful and blissful. My mind was getting light as I felt Vanity's fur rub a way on the top of my long blonde feather hair. Oh, how soft they were, It was as if pillows were placed on my head. Vanity's fur... oh how that thought made such a nice ring in my mind...

Vanity, a Charizard female, with fur... how did that-? That was when my eyes shot open, wide and sudden as I look up. "What the hell!?" was my thoughts as I look up only to find an empty space of a black ceiling. I soon leveled my eyes forward as I saw a large black furry form, with very long and thick red or crimson hair with black lining. "It's my turn!" The other voice shouted. It almost sounded like Sanity but was a pitch higher. My head was soon turned back to my left as I saw the same furry form as she licked her lips and dived right in, her lips sealing within my beak, her warm confines sucking my own as she tried to savor the kissing moment.

With my own realization, I soon flinch, my talons pushing the one kissing me now and the one grabbing me as I flailed. "OK! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?" I shouted as I looked at the two, back and forth as they soon realize I was back to reality. The two paused for a while but soon smiled at me.

"Call yourself Mr. Incinasius, We did not mean to harm you." The one that was kissing me a second ago said. "We just wanted to see why Vanity and Sanity had chosen you." The one behind me added. "If so, may I please know where Vanity and Sanity are?" I said a little enraged as my blood boiled to a degree. "We're just behind you Blazer." The familiar voice of Vanity said. I look up; where I could see both the Charizard females smile down at me.

"Please mind telling me what's going on?" I asked to no one in particular as I look back to the two other ladies I was seated with. With this small look on the two, they are identical. They both have very large crimson hair, their bodies are furry, their main color is black, their claws are a shade of red and close to the tips of their lips were dabs of red.

"I'm sorry Blazer, but Sel and Mel wanted to meet our date." Vanity answered as the Charizard sisters took a seat across me. With them seated, I soon realize that we were on the same looking chair and table as the restaurant we were seated a few second ago but then my mind made a thought. "Nothing is as it seems... again, don't bother finding this out." A thought I followed.

"And I suppose the restaurant thing isn't real?" I asked a bit down in my tone as I look at the two Charizard females. "Truth be told, this is a night club. The "Time Scale" is a night club owned by us Unovan girls." Boasted one of the two new Pokémon faces I have not known before. "We made it look like an hourglass for that purpose. We didn't want to ruin your night Mr. Incinasius." The other female said.

I looked at the two as I find their clothing, more revealing than it should have. "It's not ruined, just that, is there really dinner?" I asked which Sanity smiled and nodded. "Can I have the name of what Pokémon species these ladies came from?" "We are called Zoroark in the Unova region." "We both came from Trick town, so we are terribly sorry for somehow ruining your mood Mr. Incinasius."

"I heard little of Unova, since it is a far off region, but I do remember your technological involvement with progress." I added as the conversation was speedily moving along, that fact that the two Zoroark ladies were speaking. "Yes, and Dinner is now served!" One of them shouted as plates and platter appeared on the table. Now, I don't want to know how that happened. The more I want to know, the more it seems there will be more to see. I told myself as I took a very juicy chunk of meat to my plate.


Much has happened at that small feast back there. It seems that Sel and Mel both were really from Unova. They were exchange students in their high school years when they met Vanity, Sanity, Gar and Flin, though they related more to the Charizard sisters.

But that wasn't all the surprise. It just so happens that Vanity and Sanity is also a shared stock holder of this establishment. This leads to the idea that these 4 ladies that were with me tonight were the owners and managers of the whole thing. They also explained that the top half of the building is actually their own home, convenient in most cases. This only leads that the bottom half of the establishment to be purely a bar and club.

We were having a blast in the small feast but when the hard drinks came so did I and the Charizard sisters started to call it a night. And this is where everything goes foggy and blurry for me.


The strangest thing happened that night; I was just wobbly walking with Vanity and Sanity, once again, holding either of my arms for balance as we walked ourselves towards home. Though I couldn't actually spot home, I just walked on, backtracking our steps to the GF house. I fumbled with the keys as they seem to dodge my talons. Sanity was laughing lightly, rubbing her head to the side of my head, only for me to laugh back with her. Vanity was sleepily clinging on to my arm but she was smiling, I could tell.

As I finally got the right key to the door, we entered, locking it shut as we got in. The stair trip up was quite a little unknown to me as to how we got up. But I was sure we got up to the bedroom I was sleeping in. Sanity started to lick my cheek, as Vanity was licking my shoulder. No words escaped our own mouths as I lock the door, my back away from the girls on the bed.

Once the click on the lock sounded, so did the small giggles and whispers sounded. Looking back I found two very voluptuous, semi-nude females on the bed. They had wide grins and they were licking their lips. I felt my body heat up as I started to strip. The girls also did, taking their clothes off of their warm and sweaty bodies. The scent they gave off was more than enough for me to realize what I'm supposed to do. But that did not do justice for my memory as my sight went black and my eyes opening to the light rays of the morning sun.


There I was, lying down on bed, my body sweaty and my hips sore with whatever I did last night. I blink my eyes, waking me up as I move my arms to wake my form. But something blocked my arms way. Looking at either side of me, I found 2 very lovely ladies, one a normal colored Charizard, her orange making a bright and lovely shine with the sunlight, and the other a purple, translucent form, the sun shining through her own body but this only enhanced her mysterious body.

As I look on with dumbfounded wake, so did the girls. Their forms started to shift under the covers with my own being moved with them. A groan from Vanity and a sigh from Sanity, they both yawned awake, licking their mouths some and flashing their teeth as they do so. I felt so lucky, my body was having a show of waking ladies, their sizable breasts bumping the side of my chest, and it was pleasant.

As the girls finished, they soon realized I was between them and looked my way. "Good morning, beautiful." I said to both as they blinked their eyes more as I smile to them. Their eyes soon awoke much better now as they see me. I was expecting a kind of scream from the two but instead they sighed. "Good morning to you too, Stud." Sanity answered as she kissed me, lips to beak. "Okay..." I trailed as I felt my body recoil with a hotter body temperature when she withdrew. I look back at Vanity, only to find her smiling at me. "I must admit, you are great in bed." She admitted and to my surprise, her own claw was inspecting the growing tent under the covers. "Oh! Some morning fuck?" Sanity asked as she leans her head at the growing tent.

"Please no." I weakly pleaded as I mockingly pretended I was going to be raped. This small act only made the girls laugh, with me joining in. Though we were happy, the door soon burst open to the green form of angelic-like beauty, Flin.

"Welcome BACK! Vanity!" She shouted as she levitated her way to the orange Charizard.

The two girls shared a long and silent embrace as they smile to each other. "It has been long." Vanity answered. But I knew better than to stare at the two as the purple form of the dragon female, Gar, arrives to the scene. She smiled so lovingly but changed instantly as she looks to my right, eyeing the Purple shaded Charizard beside me.

"And you are?" Gar asked as she padded her way at the foot of the bed. "I'm Sanity Crest, Vanity's sister. It's nice to finally talk to you Gar." Sanity smiled with a grin as her response cause the Ground Dragon so stagger a foot back. "We have met?" She asked further which attracted Flin's own attention. "You met her before?" Flin added.

"Truth be told, I have met and seen you both." Sanity answered with a larger grin than before as she eyes me. "Vanity, she's your sister?" Flin asked while she was still embracing her long time friend. "Yes, with a bit of a complication." Vanity answered with a worried look as Gar and Flin stare to both her and the unique Charizard.


It took some time as the girls and I get dressed and seated comfortably on the living room seats while Vanity explained everything to Gar and Flin all the details, even with what happened last night. I was surprised though to find out that Vanity left a few of her and Sanity's cloths with Gar and Flin. "So all the time we have met back then, we haven't been introduced to your sister!?" Flin reacted with a shocking tone, high pitched really, as she stood off of the sofa she was sitting on while listening to Vanity's explanation. "Yes, my sister has been with me ever since we met." Vanity repeated from her individual seat while pointing at Sanity from across her, also sitting on an individual seat.

"I'm quite shocked and speechless." Gar commented as she looks between Vanity and Sanity as she just froze beside me on the couch. "It's not really that hard to understand. Your reaction is understandable." Sanity said, a very mature way that caused me to look at her. "I'm very sorry; I was hesitant with the idea of introducing her to you two." Vanity shyly said as she just turns her head away trying to avoid her two long time friends and their gaze.

"It's alright Vanity, we understand." Gar started as her voice toned softly. "Yeah, but you could have told us sooner about this and have made Polar move out of our house sooner!" Flin retorted some as she used her claws to gesture at Sanity, making her point the more realistic. "That is true Flin." Vanity admitted as she stood from her seat, where Sanity also stood up from her seat. "But then, you would never have found your man." She answered as her gaze fell upon me.

With that simple motion, the rest of the girls turn their gaze at me. Now as a male, I'm interested with the attention, but knowing them for the past few days and how quickly the progress of my time here, I know better than to be happy.

I could feel sweat building up on my head as their gaze has a second meaning, somewhere inside them. "Uh..." was all I could say as somehow their bodies closed in on me. "..." And I have no answer to their sudden move. "You're right Vanity." Flin started as her head cranes closer to me. "We could never have Gotten Blazer for ourselves." Gar added, her soft voice changed instantly with lust.

I soon was frowning at them as my body struggled to sink back onto the couch. "So..." I attempted to start as my mind was throwing warning signals after warning signals. "I suppose I need to get dressed for my 1st day." I said suddenly as a memory popped in my mind in the nick of time.

This made the girls realize a sudden thought as they all wondered what I was talking about. "What do you mean, 1st day?" Sanity asked with a fathomed look on her own maw. "It's my first day at the gym?" I added which made Vanity gasp with sudden realization. "I was saved by my memories." I thought to myself as I found the girls stare at Vanity.

"You're right!" Vanity shouted as she ran up the stairs. This caused the remaining girls to wonder what has happened until Sanity realized it too. "Oh my! It is!" She added as she clawed either of my arms. We have to get you to the dorm; Natasha hates Pokémons that are late!" She shouted as Vanity comes back with the black and white dresses she wore from last night and somehow my towel.

"Let's go!" Vanity screamed as sanity started to push me to the door. "Sorry Gar, Flin, we need Blazer there A.S.A.P!" Vanity shouted as we were out the door before either one could ask.


The trip to the all girls dorm was nice, breezy and windy. It was refreshing but there was only a drawback to this, I was being pushed there. I was running in a matched speed to Sanity's as I, her and Vanity rushed to the building. I was thankful; this small jog was a good enough warm up as my body started to sweat under my feathers and shirt. Before long we passed through the automatic glass doors as we arrive at the receptionist.

There I saw Natasha, the Noctowl, still in a business suit. She just stared at the three of us as we catch our breath. "Were you being chased?" She asked us as Vanity composed herself. "Not really, just thought of pushing Blazer to start before any girl realizes a man is present." Vanity answered quite maturely as Sanity and I regained our normal breathing.

"I see, well unfortunately, Pyra is already in there." Natasha frowned some as she answered us. "That's great!" Sanity answered with a shout, surprising us all. "What?!" was the answer of both Vanity and Natasha but before they have the answer to their question, Sanity pushed me passed the gym doors where I heard a click from the outside.

I was speechless, yes, speechless. Why the FUCK! Did they do that?! I look back at the solid and opaque brown doors of the gym but the only sound that I could hear in the gym was a rhythmic padding. "A treadmill under use" I thought as I walked my way, looking for source of the sound. But it didn't take so long, as I saw what was making the padding sound.

Pyra, as they said earlier was here. This didn't really pose much of a problem to me but she was something I know I'm not happy about. She was an Infernape, a rival to my species.