Weekend At The Smiths

She then proceeded to give him a very firm spanking on his bare backside and when she was done he was bawling hard as she pulled his diaper back up and then stood him in the corner while she went to clean up the mess.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 42: Nothing Ever Is Going To Be Enough

It opened- barely. behind it was raizi wearing a neutral expression, his right arm dislodged right eye hanging from its socket. "chaundoonians! welcome aboard. sorry about the mess..." (humor?!) "no, raizi we are so sorry!"

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The Hype Industries Super Clones Instruction manual

Some punishment may include denial of their favorite activities or treats, time outs, or sharp swats to their bare buttocks from the bare hand or with our hype industries brand paddles, switches, jockey whips.

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Episode Twelve: MAAB

He preened his feathers to a high gloss, and watched the air traffic in and out of the cliff aerie and the pedestrians waddling back and forth across the valley's bare bottom. a nice place, and as far as he could tell, completely cleared of vegetation.

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Gotta Love That Bomber

On the back is a photo of a vixen in military uniform bending over with her trousers down, showing her bare bottom with the legend below reading "up yours." i love this jacket.

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UnderGarment Sundays - Zeke

It happened on a sunday brunch - the first day of the undergarment sunday tess implemented after seeing jon walk out with his bare ass and rudder tail on display. it was a hot day as well, the windows of the café were open fully, as well as the windows.

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Parting The Pack: Prologue (SFW)

After a period of silence, the doe cleared her throat, and darted her pupils from stephan's top to his bare bottom. "hmm? oh, right!"

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Of Impropriety

Reaching for the last bark-thread, she had overestimated her reach, and plunged headfirst into the waters, bare rump breaching.

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A New Friend and a Sore Rear End

Even though it was only remi's paw, it still hurt to get a bare bottom spanking. and he was so embarrassed that j baby's green eyes soon welled up. the rhythmic spanking turned his white bottom to pink.

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A really terribly horribly bad day.

I mean, we did catch her bare ass nekkid." the wolf smiled and stroked a hand through the vixens fur, making her shiver, and look up at him with her large, soft eyes. he smiled, and tweaked her ears a little bit. it was a hell of a first date! "sure.

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Chapter IV - Fights and Battles Have Begun

After pulling down kaeden's diaper, he brought his hand up and landed it with a resounding "smack" on the shepherd's bare rump. kaeden couldn't believe what was going on. was he actually getting a_spanking_?

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August 5: At the Ooshima Inn

While i was drying myself, i often glanced at torahiko's side and the most i saw of him was his bare ass, and a nice one at that. his thick, built legs certainly complimented it, but i had to stop myself from objectifying my friend even further.
