Sammy Plays.
The theme this year was the 80's and i did my best to accurately portray a furry side. yes i grew up then but still life is a little different than what you remember as kids. pg 13 is the rating given at the con and this was accepted.
the story of the SKULLS BLUE SKULLS story
Like hello there, this is blue skull here, i really miss the 60's and 70's the 80's are okay but the 90's yuk.
Chronicles of the Blood Moon
In the 80's i was born, so i am not that old. well i know you do not want to know my childhood so lets get down to the point. some may wonder are they real in all ways yes but not all lure is true.
Archie and Lu
I know some obscure 1970's and 80's programming languages. ever hear of rpg ii? nope, not role playing game, it's report program generator. how 'bout basic, fortran, cobol, pascal?
Legend of the Gladiator: Prologue
An ancient lion, well into his 80's, his greying fur and white hair a clear sign under his hood. the market was unusually busy today. vendors selling their good, groups of all species talking with one another on this beautiful and sunny day.
A Night to Remember
Dianna quickly catches on that this is a restaurant, like something out of an old cheesy 80's movie.
3. Meet Danny
I knew he would know when i arrived because i drove an old v8 jeep grand wagoneer from the 80's with no muffler. only bad thing about that was everyone knew it was my jeep.
david's college days part nine
David loved his classic cars but sarah wanted a newish car say early 90's but david wanted a 70's car then they both agreed on a 1980's car now where to find one, david looked though his magazines but found nothing and sarah looked on ebay but no 80's cars
david's college days part three
Pippen's dad was a hard rock ‘n' roll man and his wife was a fan of queen, david had to look though the collections of stuff that pippin's dad had he had lots of 60's 70's 80's 90's rock ‘n' roll stuff and all of it was dusty but david did not dare clean
david's collage days part twelve
After that it was time for the cassettes sarah did any 1990 up and some 80's stuff too were as david and sarah both did country and western.
The Time of My Life Chapter 6 -- Malls Within Memories
I could see the tan paint they painted over in the 80's. it was changed to a sterile white, which the owner though would make it more "modern", but it actually made it look more dated. we walked up to a store called, "eargazum, your music source".
Order of Pengu #6
He jumped onto the stage still holding his sheathed katana as the order's 80's cover band started up a set. the chief penguin looked around, as random cult members were enjoying cocktails and dancing.