david's collage days part twelve

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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It was a nice sunny day and David and Sarah diced to go to do a Carboot sale.

Seeing as David and Sarah had found a whole load of stuff from the skips it was time to unload as the saying goes, so on that nice day David looked thought a local newspaper and saw there was one on at fordenham a it was a biggie.

The last Carboot sale of the year be fore the football season, and so David and Sarah loaded stuff in to the car but wait, it accord to David that the Austin had a tow bar but Sarah reminded David they didn't have a trailer.

They loaded up the car for the Carboot sale, the car was loaded with as much stuff as it could take this was half David's stuff and half Sarah's stuff David's stuff was records, cassettes, odd brick-a-back pieces and some old pictures he didn't like mostly of Mr. STORM the 1st and others ones that you can buy in furniture shops,

Sarah's stuff was odd brick-a-back and some Jewry she had found in the skips but was too small for her or just plane ugly.

Once David had loaded up the car it was of to the Carboot sale or was it, unfortunately the car had run out of fuel and there was no garage for miles but David did have some just in case of such un emergency and once topped up they set of for a garage and topped up some more there.

Now on to the Carboot sale and boy what a biggie, it was two fields and had lots of customers or as David and Sarah saw them suckers seeing as most of there stuff was from the skip or had cost only a little bit.

Upon setting up David and Sarah both had ten pounds money between them and could only buy stuff if it was going to fit in the car.

off went Sarah after they had set up the stall Sarah saw lots of good things for David but none for her and after an hour it was David's turn he said he sold 7 of his records and some bits and pieces and 1 of Sarah bits but no paintings, so as they kissed David went off and as he wounded around, he brought lots of mugs and cassettes but no records or yu-gi-oh cards so now it was a case of playing the waiting game waiting for the money to roll in but after an hour of waiting it started to rain softly at first then it chucked it down and David and Sarah got wet and so did there stuff thankfully the paintings where put in the back and every thing else was covered up as best as they could, and after a while it stopped raining and David and Sarah got back to selling stuff and putting out the paintings again.

At about 13:10 David and Sarah were begging to pack up and set of home when someone offered £5 pounds for all of Sarah just drying out Jewry and she accepted it, seeing as it had all come from the skips and some of it was broken.

So now it was time to go home and short out the stuff and the money David had to start with about £7.50p Sarah had £23.00p, this was all in lose change, and both had made a prefect so now it was on to the next bit of things to do shorting out the stuff David said

"I'll do all this if you make the lunch" Sarah said ok

David started to unload the lot of Carboot stuff that they had not sold but they had made a big space in the spare room but not for long as David and Sarah loved to bring stuff home cus they knew it would sell.

Then David had a great idea,

"why don't we set up are own shop we could sell records, cassettes, CD's, and videos, and you could or I could sell your stuff as a side line, it would be great because you would be near me we'll call RETRO LAND were we sell older things".

Sarah said "but what about the job we've got?"

"Ah that's were you come in my girl you stay in the pound store and get the money if it all goes tits up"

Sarah loved the idea "cool and on my break I'll come in and see you plus we can sell other stuff too as a side line".

Sarah and David were very happy to do this as it mant new things and new changes in life and of course David said the classic line,

"This time next year well be millionaires".

So now it was time to short throw the mass of video's that David and Sarah had fished out from the skip, Sarah did horror and any girly ones and any foreign ones as she knew what they were talking about plus any pop videos.

David took the big boys video's the porn and the monster trucks and the boy kids videos and music video's and after a long night of this it was now time for the DVD's.

The entire DVD's they had found had to be watched, any that tripped would be lobed and any unplayable ones would be too plus any with damage like marks or scratches.

After that it was time for the cassettes Sarah did any 1990 up and some 80's stuff too were as David and Sarah both did country and western.

After that it was on to the records but by now it was very late a night and they were going to work in the morning so Sarah rang ahead a said David would not be in tomorrow but she would be and she went to bed.

As David counted to clean, list and check the items so in the morning he didn't have to rush to get the stuff.

David worked though the night checking that the records where ready to go and be put out on the shelves and the cassettes where going to play side one and that they had heads, it was about 6:50 in the morning when David finished and he knew this business would be a good one.

david's collage days part eleven

Upon finding the guitar David now had to look for a bass guitar and a drummer he knew two already. First David went to mike who played bass, David then took a few lesions with mike and he became a pro, then mike phoned up Allen who played drums...

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david's college days part ten

On one of there weeks off David and Sarah decided to go to the cinema to watch a film but witch one too watch they were so many new ones David and Sarah didn't know witch one to go for so they diced to go for one of the old films. The old films...

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david's college days part nine

After the wedding and a house warming party David and Sarah began to unwrap the wedding gifts and find nice places for them and then it was time to move on to all the stuff from there house's to this house. Two people came to fix the electrics and...

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