country pie contest
It was a nice morning twilight woke up to the sound of her door being pounded on. She looked and yawned spike still asleep so to not disturb him and have a cranky dragon she decided to go to see who it was. "If its rainbowdash I'm going to use my mind...
post pony shire rosedust verson
In the castle, it was a quiet day. The head cleaner, a shire named Shire, was just doing his rounds, keeping the place clean. He mopped the floors and swept the dust away; he smiled but felt kinda out of place. The same thing again and again. ...
post pony shire mugman verson
In the castle it was a quite day, the shire was just cleaning the castle. He mopped the floors and sweeps the dust away; he smiled but felt kinda out of place. The same thing again and again. Thanks to some stranger he was turned into a ailcorn, he...
castle cleaner crusaders
It was a nice morning in the castle. Shire woke up and yawned, he sighed and yawned knowing that today was going to be a long day. A few weeks ago the princess had gotten a letter from the CMC's asking if they could clean the castle to see if...
MLP hoarding is magic by rosedust
It was a nice day in Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle was walking home from visiting her friends when she passed a house with some stuff sitting outside. A yard sale. It couldn't hurt to take a little time to check it out. Twilight looked through the...
MLP hoarding is magic by mugman
It was a nice day in pony Ville, twilight was walking from visiting her friends when she past a home with some stuff outside. She looked and saw some books, twilight asked how much and they where 7 bits the lot, she brought them all. Upon getting...
one too many muffins
It was a nice day in pony Ville, derpy was giving ponies there mail sadly in the wrong order, mostly giving ponies the next doors mail instead of there own then giving next door the mail from where she just was. When she finished she noticed she...
the death of miss cheerilee
It was a quite evening in the classroom; Miss Cheerilee was looking though student's homework. Miss Cheerilee was getting old, she had been teaching colts and fillies since the 90's, it was now mid 2030, her once nice pink purple hair was faded and...
luna and the shire go at it
It was a nice and quite evening, celetia had made the sun set and Luna had raised the moon, at this time the castle cleaner was starting his work. It was easier to start at night as there are fewer ponies around. The castle cleaner was an earth...
the end of CMC
It was a nice day at the CMC clubhouse, the three fillies where talking about how to get there cutiemarks. They couldn't do some things as they needed bits and there last stunt of CMC stunt ponies failed and broke there alliance. All three went for...
scootaloo gets her wings
After seeing twilight get her wings Scootaloo was now hell bent on getting her wings anyways any how just to be with the flyers. At the club house Scootaloo paced back and forth warping the floor where she paced. She thought of ways to get her wings...
The legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Long ago when dragons and magical beasts ruled the land, their was no hunger or stavation every beast ate another one to survive. There were four powerful dragons that ruled the whole entire land and one bad one that looked after the darkness and...