sweetiebelle helped her sister but more with her account, bits and paper work wise, this was good for rarity.
as for scootaloo?
Applebloom, Ending, Fim, MLP, Mlp fim, Scootaloo, cmc, strom, sweetiebelle
sweetiebelle read it and then her horn started to glow from reading the magic and making it go though her horn.
sweetiebelle gasped and panted as she read more her horn glowing a very strange blue.
Applebloom, Fim, MLP, Mlp fim, OC, Princess Luna, Princess celetia, Rainbowdash, Scootaloo, Transformation, cmc, shire, sweetiebelle
sweetiebelle looked as her bedroom had 20 of the ponies in there, the whole house was full of dresses and off cuts and every room even the bathroom was starting to fill up.
rarity couldn't help and let them go.
Applejack, Fim, Fluttershy, MLP, Mlp fim, Opel, Pinkiepie, Rainbowdash, Rarity, Spike, animals, books, gummy, hoarding
It was a nice morning in the castle.
Shire woke up and yawned, he sighed and yawned knowing that today was going to be a long day.
A few weeks ago the princess had gotten a letter from the CMC's asking if they could clean the castle to see if...
Applebloom, Fim, MLP, Mlp fim, OC, Pony, Royal guard, Scootaloo, cmc, shire, sweetiebelle