Careful What Wish You Grant

Careful What Wish You Grant By CalexTheNeko Rello lay in the grass staring up at the sky feeling a sense of great boredom. The kitsune was in his human form, well mostly human form. He still had his fox ears and tail, their orange fur...

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Vilous Summer

You're not always sure what to find when scouring the dark web. Of course, one could order the classic stuff on the Silk Road, like prostitutes or drugs. Still, with this upcoming e-commerce revolution that all the analysts were saying was coming, it...

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The Carnival

The Carnival By Pent Ghelsburg Around and Around we go. Where one stops, no one knows. Topsy Turvey, the world is amiss with mischief and delight. Laughter and a cheerful mood surround the delightful patrons who enjoy our veritable offerings. A...

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Eionvise Ch3

warp also had a muscular build which rerue caught himself staring at whenever warp changed. rerue just wanted to lay with those nice strong arms and stare at warp's beautiful eyes all day.

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Toronto City Wars: Warp vs. Bantam Beaver

warp had him dead to rights and clarke knew it. warp saw all the signs as clarke's shoulders slumped in defeat.

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The Ghost of Toronto Part 2

warp could not hold back his grin. "i've got you now."

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The Ghost of Toronto part 3

"tell me this, warp... are you familiar with the term 'power vacuum'?" warp's expression softened. "yes.

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Guardians Lore: FTL Systems

warp is used in-system when exploring uncharted systems to avoid jumping directly into a sun.

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The Story of Captain Padfoot, Part 2

"ok, bring the warp drive online, but keep it under warp two" i punch a couple of buttons on the right hand console and then the computers voice announces that the warp drive is now online.

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Void Incursions Prelude

warp wasn't an exact science and was really based on "best guesses" and "approximate data" in most cases.

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An Unexpected Outcome

The endermen stopped warping at a dead end in an almost perfect sphere of a room except that it had a leveled floor that was able to easily e walked on. the endermen stopped in this room, looked at me jaw a gape warped away.
