The Story of Captain Padfoot, Part 2
#2 of The Story of Captain Padfoot
The Story of Captain Padfoot
Part 2
By: Wolfie Steel.
Admiral Jackson and I quickly head to the turbo lift that will take us to the main bridge of the ship, well after all at the beginning of a mission whether it is a maiden voyage or not, a Captain's place is on the bridge. We arrive on the main bridge just as the docking clamps are retracted; as we exit the turbo lift the watch commander announces our arrival.
"Admiral Jackson and Captain Padfoot are on the bridge"
I take in my first glances of the main bridge, it's then that I realise that every set of eyes are looking at me, Admiral Jackson leans to my side and whispers into my ear.
"I believe they are waiting for their Captain to give the order to get under way"
I blush profusely as I realise that everyone is waiting for me.
"Helm, take us out of Space Dock, one quarter impulse power, once we get into open space increase speed to maximum impulse"
A wry smile creeps across the helmsman's muzzle as he acknowledges my order.
"Aye sir"
We begin our maiden voyage as we start to pull out of Space Dock, the low rumble of the engines just audible above the pings and bleeps of the various computer terminals, the Admiral motions to the Captain's Chair which stands proudly in the centre of the main bridge. I walk over to the chair and examine it, the chair has computer consoles attached to each of the arm rests, and while I know full well how to operate it, it still takes me a while to let it sink in that this is my chair.
I gently take my seat and get myself comfortable, the computer's voice announcing that it will adjust the chair to my exact specifications. Suddenly I feel the chair start to vibrate and move a little, but then after a couple of seconds the chair becomes calm again and really extremely comfortable, I activate the com on the left console.
"Engineering, this is the Captain, how are the weapons upgrades going?"
An excitable voice answers back.
"For the love of god sir, me and my team are going flat out to get the bloody weapons online, so I would appreciate not being interrupted while I'm hard at work"
My ears lay flat against my skull and I instantly stand from my seat, I storm towards the turbo lift but I'm stopped by the strong paw of Admiral Jackson.
"Toby, your place is here on the bridge, I will go down to main engineering and remind Chief Daniels who the Captain of this ship is"
With that Admiral Jackson vanishes into the turbo lift and is gone, I walk back to my seat and gently lower myself back into it, suddenly the com kicks back into life.
"Captain Padfoot, this is Chief Daniels in main engineering, I would like to apologise for my outburst, and rest assured you will have full weapons by the time we enter the battle zone, engineering out"
I let out a soft giggle as I imagine the scene in main engineering, knowing the Admiral's no nonsense approach to crew management, he probably has a laser pistol pointing at the Hyena's head.
I'm brought out of my thoughts by the communications officer once again.
"Sir, Dog Star Three is hailing us"
I nod gently and reply.
"Dog Star Three, my name is Captain Padfoot of the Star Ship Star Com One, how are things holding up your end?"
A crackly voice replies.
"Oh thank the lord, I'm First Officer Aiden Coalson from Dog Star Three, most of the crew are either dead or not very far from it, and the ships shields are still holding but only just, our engines are down and our weapon systems will not be working for much longer, Captain, please tell me that you are close because right now I'm a desperate dog"
The Admiral joins me back on the bridge and I look towards him.
"Admiral, we need to bring the warp drive online, Dog Star Three won't survive for much longer"
The Admiral speaks into the com.
"Dog Star Three, we are bringing our warp drive online to speed up our arrival, standby"
Admiral Jackson then looks at me.
"Ok, bring the warp drive online, but keep it under warp two"
I punch a couple of buttons on the right hand console and then the computers voice announces that the warp drive is now online. Our speed increases to warp one, soon we are entering the battle range and we can quite clearly see that Dog Star Three has taken one hell of a pounding. Chief Daniels announces that the weapons are now fully upgraded and ready for action.
"Coms officer, open hailing frequencies"
With a few bleeps the hailing frequencies are opened.
"This is Captain Padfoot of the star ship Star Com One, calling the ship that is currently attacking Dog Star Three, you are advised to stand down your attack or I will be forced to target your ship with every weapon in my arsenal, you have five minutes to comply"
The attacking ship unleashes another salvo of laser fire and missiles.
"Gunner, target the attacking ship and fire a warning shot"
The gunner does as I ask its then that the attacking ship turns its attention to us, instantly our shields raise and we are able to take the blows, but now I have decided that there is no more Mr. Nice Rottweiler.
"Gunner, lock on all weapons and fire at will"
I activate my com again.
"Transporter Room Three, lock onto the survivors on board Dog Star Three and beam them directly to the medical bay"
Two seconds later there is a huge explosion as the attacking ship concentrates its fire power back on Dog Star Three, I quickly call the transporter room that inform me that they could only lock on and retrieve one soul from the stricken ship. The helmsman is the next to speak.
"Sir, the nuclear core aboard Dog Star Three is about to go critical"
I instantly bark out my order.
"Get us the fuck out of here, maximum warp"
We enter maximum warp just as Dog Star Three explodes into a million pieces, the shockwave from the nuclear explosion begins to hunt us down, and fortunately our warp drive is strong enough to outrun the wave.
Once the wave has dissipated I order the helmsman to bring us out of warp, the Admiral looks at me with a stern face.
"I want to speak to you in your ready room, NOW"
We both enter the ready room and I seal the door so that no one will disturb us.
"Ok Admiral, you told me to keep the warp drive below warp two, but if I had we would now be nothing more than space dust, I'm sorry for disobeying your order sir, but I make no apology for looking out for the safety of this ship and my crew, if that earns me a court marshal then I openly accept it"
Admiral Jackson begins to bare his teeth.
"Captain Padfoot, may I remind you that I am an Admiral of thirty years service"
The Admiral's stance begins to change and his teeth become hidden again, he then continues in a softer tone.
"Actually Toby, you have just done something that no one else has ever had the balls to do, you have just stood up to me. I won't be court marshalling you for this because as you said in your little outburst if you hadn't pushed us to maximum warp we would have been blown to smithereens, and I must admit it felt good to be roasted by a newbie Captain, you will go a very long way"
I sit at the desk in my ready room and start panting heavily.
"I can't believe that all that just came from my muzzle, Admiral I'm so sorry that you had to hear that"
The Admiral puts up a paw to stop me.
"Toby, as you said, you were looking out for the safety of the ship and her crew, in essence I was testing you, I wanted to know if you were a yes man or if you were someone who would ignore a direct order when faced with certain death, if you were a yes man I would have said nothing but you would have lost any respect that I had for you, but as it is, the respect that I have for you has just increased, well done Captain Padfoot"
I deactivate the seal on the door and the Admiral walks out with his tail wagging, I remain sat at my desk for a few more seconds and then I'm contacted by the Chief Medical Officer.
"Captain Padfoot, the sole survivor from Dog Star Three wishes to meet with you"
I acknowledge his message and then make my way down to the medical bay; well I guess this is where my 'First Contact' training will kick in. My quarters are on my way to the medical bay so I quickly dive inside to change into my dress uniform, well let's face it, I can't very well make first contact while still wearing my academy clothes. As I change my mind wonders to the guy that I'm about to meet, will he be good looking? Will he be aggressive at our first meeting? More importantly, will he be friendly? Well I guess in the next few minutes I will find out the answers to all of these questions.