The Silent Rain 3 - From Whence We Came

_ _"we are searching for a friend who is lost,"_ explained the older brother, _"did you see a warmblood travel this way?"_ _"i see many warmbloods every day...eaten many too.

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Tribes Culture Descriptions

The only warmbloods welcome are humans who are allowed to live and trade as they please. rammites (goats) the rammite (goat) tribes are native to the island of aviria, the same as the crow and ravenfolk, lynxan tribes, and white bears.

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Darkened Skies: Chapter 10: The Mission

"then why even search me out then if you have such a bleedin hatred for warmbloods? doesn't make a bit of sense." "i don't _hate_ warmbloods." vishta shifted her stance. she looked away almost, a sense of uneasiness settling in the air.

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A Dino's Crisis 4 - Danger Is Its Own Reward

"but we are coldbloods, not warmbloods. warmbloods hide from fear, we only hide to hunt." "then consider this hunting, beta.

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The Island Guardian 4 - Hunting the Hunters

_"filthy warmblood!"_ his gun made a strange vibration moan as it recharged itself, heightening in pitch before it was ready as he fired hard and shot his gun sideways out of her teeth.

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The Island Guardian 3 - Separated

_"my daughters are being chased by some beast and if we do not find them soon i will have your head for it warmblood!"

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Your Possible Pasts 5 - Empty Spaces

_"the hairless warmbloods who live in the shining mountain, far to the northeast."_ _"do they look like him?"_ riptor poked her snout towards him. _"i mean he's hairless and warmblooded too.

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Of A Different Skin

Coldblood versus warmblood? scales and feathers versus fur and pelt? the moment you get seen by the gate guards, they'll shoot you. you need to remain hidden if you want to survive.

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Across The World 1 - The Sun and the Moon

_ _"i escaped from there, the hairless warmbloods, they took me into their home for...i do not know how long, it may be...u-u-um maybe two cycles at least.

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