Journey to another world pt3 ch100 pt3

With the two together it began to sound very much like some kind of spanish tango like song.

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Together at Last

tango: alright, i think i found your baggage claim! i'll be waiting :3 tango: just realised you won't be here for another hour, ughhhhh tango: i found a taco bell! quesadillas on me! tango: hehe, i see a cutie.

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Bohemian Blasphemy

Slightly numb, slightly cold, will you do the tango? matilda! whoa, will not let you tango - let me tango. matilda! whoa, will not let you tango - let me tango. matilda! whoa, will not let you tango - let me tango.


Sleepy Mornings With a Hyperactive Dragon

tango does the same, still gripping the pillow like a hawk's talon to a field mouse. "now close your eyes, and just breathe." lewis closes his eyes and tango does the same, except her tail won't stop wagging.

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Dalmatian Air, Part 2

"jersey tower, this is dalmatian air tango 1 reporting an engine failure, over" "dalmatian air tango 1, this is jersey tower, what is the nature of your engine failure?

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Screens of Wonder

However, for the time being, the only robot burnell will ever be with is his plush toy robot cat, tango. that will be the only android in his life.

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Candyland Isn't For Me

Glasglow is to be referred to by all communications as, 'tango,'" i say as i start loading up magazines in the back of the car. "we are about three mikes (minutes) away from the tango. be advised, tango is heavily guarded at all times.

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Hell on Earth. Chapter 7

Why don't we go to the happy shopper for some tango?" "but..." anar watched green hands scooping up the books, and rap trotted off to the wheeled trolley where he dumped them down for the undead librarian to deal with. "no buts!"

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Unknown Island

This is x-ray sierra 143 romeo lima come in papa 26 alpha tango charlie over!" after a short while i heard on the radio "this is papa 26 alpha tango charlie, permission on runway and take-off over!"

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A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 5-First Turn

As we came on an overhang,i spotted two tangos dressed all in black with mp-5ks. "two tango's",i whispered to hudson,"let's do this quiet." we drew our knives and walked the rest of the way down,getting in very close.

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The Long Shot Part 2: The Loud Crack

"more tangos please liz", "okay then bushman, how about the two tangos on the scaffolding over the guard barracks." she responds most sultry, "remember liz it's professional time." i joke.

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Ace yells "two tangos left side" hunter shoots one in the head and ace levels the other with a swift bayonet strike.then we go and search the house for the target.

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