Trick or Paws
And he was lucky, for there was huge sale that day, before the fabled trick-o-treating would began; from his position, he could observe the wave of people coming toward him, their feet stomping on the ground.
Magic Mirror
She snorted and stepped forward to stomp another wall. it was always easy. it was what she was trained to do. when her foot landed, fox was surprised to not feel the normal crunch of something destroyed.
Trapped Under The Paw
It was a bland day for Silvermike; not a boring day, but one that made him wonder why he was stuck around, trying to figure what to do with his free time. University was done and the classes were over; he could try to contact a study comrade and see if...
Weighty Consequences
**Weighty Consequences** _By: Dragonien_ _ _ "Don't make me chase you down" the dragon's voice rumbled through the air like a roll of thunder. Heavy impacts shook the hardwood floor as he fell to his hands and knees in front of the couch with a...
Slow News Day
One of these days i'm gonna get stomped." ricardo's traveling soon came to an end as king rose up with a heroic yell, kicking oak over and patting his elbow for a slam.
Fluffy Destruction
* * * **Pokémon is the property of Game Freak** Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as...
The Golem of Highrock
Looking around, he saw that the guard shacks, stables, and most of the outer wall had collapsed, probably because of his last huge stomp. the main keep of the castle still stood mostly intact, however. boar smiled.
How I Meet Kara {Chapter 1}
Chapter 1, ready and set. Same rules. Even though I wouldn't say this is 'nawty' or ranchy. I still say, if you dont like whats in the tags...THEN DONT READ IT, thank you Kara Zastel is Copyright of her player Jeff Magill is...
Unnoticed Under Foot
**Unnoticed Under Foot** _By Dragonien_ _Crap crap crap crap!_ _ _ This was the curse repeated in Mekuto's head as he ran for his life. The striped, purple wahsune desperately pumped his legs in an attempt to get just a little bit...
Celine - Dance Dance Devastation
**Dance Dance Devastation** _By Dragonien_ Music boomed through the air. The ground vibrated with a heavy bass beat. Any sound the music didn't drown out vanished beneath waves of excited cheering the music elicited from the crowd. Hundreds...
How I Meet Kara Zastle {Chapters Opening}
Evening there bois and girls and herms alike, this is your crazyfox comming at you with, Gasp another story. Now, few things first, currently this story is not over PG13. But there will be a few things. GTS, Macros, Crushing,...
Theatre of War
Whether that be looming overhead, stomping around, or simply standing by your side, sharing a conversation over a cup of coffee.