Trapped Under The Paw
Commission for Dragonslover (FA)
It was a bland day for Silvermike; not a boring day, but one that made him wonder why he was stuck around, trying to figure what to do with his free time. University was done and the classes were over; he could try to contact a study comrade and see if they could remember the good old time they passed together.
However, he could always call a friend and organize something; he had no specific ideas in mind, but anything would be better than to stay aloof in here, waiting for an event to happen. Who knows? Perhaps some sort of powerful deity, outside force or even unknown life forms could be observing him at the moment, plotting against him; it didn't made sense, but to his bored mind, it was better to create scenarios than to stay and wallow in the shadows, until a solution would appear.
Until such an opportunity would arise, he decided to turn on the television, for it could provide a modicum of entertainment for the moment. If he was lucky, maybe there would be a festival or an event happening in the town, which could motivate him into leaving the house, but that would be quite a streak, as he saw the screen lights on and the news appear.
``We have to interrupt this broadcast for an important message; it seems that the city is under attack by a gigantic monster. And no people, this is not a joke; I repeat people, this is not a joke. We join Oliver live with the latest development; Oliver?'' said the news presenter, as he disappeared from the screen, replaced by another one.
``It's hell over here, David; people are fleeing their homes, others are looting what they can, while this gigantic beast is on a rampage. It's utter chaos, but if you want cheap stuff, you know what to do David; it has been Oliver, reporting from the department you, give me back my wallet!'' said the journalist, as the image faded away, giving him a view of what was happening over there. As amusing as it was to see the journalist fight his way into the mall, incorporating the mob, it was also a depressing sight, providing that what he saw was right; it meant that the center of the city was closed for now, until it would die down.
Perhaps he could get himself a little snack and take a nap afterward, so it would pass the time in a pleasant way, although he had the impression that in the end, it wouldn't change anything. He would wake up with the same sense of boredom and ennui; perhaps it was a message that he needed to find an activity that would occupy his mind. But for now, he had to stay inside, for his own safety.
Although he wanted to see the action, there was no purpose for him in risking his life for mere enjoyment; he had to wait for the monster to leave the area, so he could go outside once more, even though there was something attractive about going after it. If it was gigantic, then its feet would be a pleasure to see. However, although that thought proved to be tempting, he needed to be reasonable, for there was a difference between a pleasure he could reach and this fantasy.
It was at this moment that he felt a low rumble, as if a heavy truck was passing near; he knew that it was impossible, for he was in a residential area, devoid of that sort of circulation. What could have produced that sensation, the one he felt? He needed to investigate; taking a camera, he ran outside, determined on finding the cause.
As he stepped outside, he saw a few neighbors run past him, as if they were trying to avoid something lethal. Perhaps they were fleeing the monster or the mob that formed moments after; either way, he had little concern for them; he wanted to discover what caused the vibration that he felt.
Unfazed by what was happening, he decided to look around, an act that made him notice why they were running away; he could see the beast, a gigantic lizard, roaming near his house. Being a dragon, he could always take flight and escape, but as he looked at it, another idea crept into him, one that turned him on.
The creature was one thing, but that wasn't what interested him; what he saw him the size of the feet, he stopped for a moment, lost in contemplation. With such a size, anything could be possible; it would take so long to explore them, to savor them, to feel them, but it would be worth it...
Stunned by the view, he didn't realize that the creature was too close to him, a menace to his security. Snapping out of his trance, he saw one of the feet approach him, ready to flatten him under it; even if he would run away, it would be too late, but would that be a terrible fate?
To be under it, to feel it dominate him, to be helpless while he would be overwhelmed by the sensations; even though these were just thoughts, it was enough for him to be excited. There was no point in resisting, even though there was a chance that this would be his last...
He saw the shadows agglomerate around, the feet closing with the ground; he would be one with it and he could film it, for posterity. But as it touched him, it stopped, as if it had no desire to crush him; perhaps the beast had no intention to harm him, after all.
He could escape, with the memories of the confrontation in his mind enough for him to satisfy him for days, while the images he captured with the camera would fuel his desire; but he tried to move, he felt the foot press him on the floor, making sure that he wouldn't be able to escape.
He was trapped under the foot, the odors invading his senses; although it reeked, it was a divine place to be, for it was where he was supposed to be, where he belonged. He could feel it keeping him in place, the scaly flesh surrounding him as he was close to the ground, stuck in place while he waited for an event to happen.
His camera was gone, probably waiting under the foot; it was filming his struggle, the victory of the feet over him; it was an arousing thought, one he wanted to quell, but he knew that it would be impossible to stop it.
He had to enjoy the situation, as short as it could be; the foot was there for a reason, one that was quite evident. It was there to be worshipped, treated as it deserved; it was a duty he needed to fulfill, provided that the foot stayed in position, a fact he wasn't sure about.
However, he had to act, for he could regret it for the rest of his life; moving under the foot, taking the time to inhale a few whiffs of the odor that emanated from it, he decided to lick it, to feel the flesh in his maw and on his tongue. It would be a limited sensation, one that wouldn't last long, but he knew that it would be the best that he ever had.
The taste was divine, one that he never tasted before; it wasn't the first time that he indulged in this pleasure but this was superior to anything he ever experienced. It was a sensation he wanted to enjoy forever, one he wanted to be with; he had no clue on how this was possible or how it could be that wonderful, but there he was, enjoying his position, begging for more. It could be ironic, but he just wanted more.
And the creature seemed pleased with his actions, as it pressed him a bit more against the ground, making sure that he would stay in place. He could have resisted that assault by biting the flesh, by trying to scratch it, but what would the point of such an action? Although he was restrained in his movements, trapped in a small alcove, there was nothing he needed to worry about anymore; it was a wonderful place, one that made him dream.
He licked and licked more, until he ran out of saliva; if only he would able to take a piece in his maw, he would savor it in a better way than that. But, for the moment, he had to enjoy the moment until he would find a way to live the fantasy that was growing in his mind. Perhaps, one day, he would be able to fulfill it, but for the moment, he was at the mercy of the paw, for it was the one that was controlling his destiny, the one that would make sure that his life would be filled with wonders.
However, these plans would have to be placed on hold, for the moment, for the beast resumed its march, lifting his paw from the ground; he expected to be left there, alone and dazed, but he was dragged along, for it seemed that he was now stuck to an obscure substance that was under it. He could always try to fight it, to cut himself loose and run away, but what would the point in doing such a thing?
Although he didn't possess any control over his movements, why would he try to change this situation? He was in the best place; he was one with the paw, until the creature would be subdued. It would a pain to separate himself from it, but for now, he had nothing to worry about, as he looked at the ground closing up again, as the paw was reaching the earth once more...