Status: Engaged

This wasn't how any of this was supposed to go. It was an extra patrol to double check security, on one of the more mundane jobs Azmina had been given. Now it had gone entirely sideways. The technical came through the wall like a tank, extra armor...

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Silver Stream Memory 17

"the maintain of the status here is flimsy as well," wri pointed out. "ah yes, well we are going have to put some more ferver and real applications to it. no immediate worries. just remember to shut off the lights when you leave," i replied.

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Take it as a Compliment

This is an entry for the status shift story contest run by xerox2 and skiesofsilver the brief specified a story, nsfw or sfw, of a maximum word count of 7532, including a transformation and a "status shift" theme - that is, a character gaining or losing

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Poem #32: Society

status is earned yet freely given sadly qualities brought upon by humanity within society unwant by the load greed pride vanity selfishness wealth status arrogance dominance lineage spite perfection normalicy hypocrisy judgment

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Breaking Through

. <3 original post links: and on this day, she 'gan to move.

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Breaking Through

#7 of poems original post links: and on this day, she 'gan to move.

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Logging In

Before he could wonder how, several status windows popped up in front of him.

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Logging In (Redux)

When shintetsu finally got up with the help of his club, he found himself flanked by the hazy figures, revealed by their status screens to be level 40 egg bears.

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Chapter 19: An Intruder Is On A Loose.

"no but our status is high enough to kill them in one hit." palmon explained. "how is that possible? there is no way your status can be that high in that form." al getting more confused.

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Simulation realities: Mechological time constaints

Why is the computer able to readout a negative as the status?"

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Be Thunk


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Anima World Part 1

Even their sufferings were overlooked by a racial shooting incident that caused an outrage to the minorities, but not their status and their rights.

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