Poem #32: Society

Superiority to be less than what is nothing perfection is a myth as is normalicy weirdness is the norm uniqueness shared by all inherit title, status wealth never inherit more but royalty in lineage never to inherit more hard-work morals

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The Hungry Lion

It was an average day, like any else. Nothing all that spectacular had happened to impress Lucien the Lion. He was hungry though, so he began a search for something to eat. He traveled near and far. Here and there. Over the river and even through the...

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The Choice

Story was written out of sheer boredom and random thought processes. Hope you enjoy! _Could you do it? Could you end thousands of lives for any mission? One day you all might be called to make such a decision. One day you might have to sacrifice...

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When I met a jackalope...

"Tell us about it again father," said the youngest of the group. He sat back so quietly after that that his father seemed to be able to do little more than appease the boy's rapt attention with the...

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Royal Flush

Funny how the moral of the story is that morals aren't perpetual. as i made for the exit, my thoughts were interrupted by a familiar figure.

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Jackie-The-Junior Retaliation Part-two

I browse a few more sites to distract myself, from the battle between my morals and these new instincts. being hungry seems to strengthen the latter, so i try to push them aside to deal with them later.

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Change. What defines change, Is it something unique, Or otherwise special? Can a person ever really change, Can one honestly admit that they aren't the same, That somehow something snapped, Or that some switch was flipped? Will I myself...

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The Hardest Choice

Now, as he struggles in his car with morals. can he let someone die to save himself?

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Morals { Balto/Steele } (Short )

But family was family, and balto was a wolf of morals... even if those morals left him heartbroken.

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Ep17-Moral Break-The Warrior's of Mezzanine

The Team then took a much needed break on saving the world to just sit back and enjoy the snow and the cold. Joel was seen in winter clothing along with the others , checking a fancy looking tablet while the others were playing in the snow. It's been...

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Walls: Exodus 23 - A Moral Mosaic

# chapter **2**** 3**- a moral mosaic ## 512 a.r. february 26, greengate - diplomatic corps, **morning** the telltale alarm of a phone stirred me from sleep, and i could feel the bed shift as someone has started moving.

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The Devil's Toys

I've always liked the underlying theme or morality in the game and the expansion just expanded on that theme.

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