
Story by Namyrolis on SoFurry

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What defines change,

Is it something unique,

Or otherwise special?

Can a person ever really change,

Can one honestly admit that they aren't the same,

That somehow something snapped,

Or that some switch was flipped?

Will I myself ever change,

Stop running from what I want to be,

Stop running from the rolling thunder,

Or is it simply not possible?

I want to open my heart,

Show everyone who I want to be,

To show that I can create my own path,

To show that I'm not afraid.

I wish to show the world,

Yearn to lead a path away,

From the Destruction I have become,

Away from the disintegration.

The sad but Holy Truth,

Is that one can never truly change,

Is that one is stuck being who they are,

Is that one can be doomed, or saved.