Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 2)

The absolute moment kage was adorned with the ceremonial war paint, viz stood up and started screaming slander of the worst kind.

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Eight Minutes and Forty Six Seconds on June Twelfth, Two Thousand Twenty

They steal the land and slander those from whom they stole it. they lock those who only wish to love as they must love out in the cold. they visit plagues upon their people's heads. they slay with club and gas those who cry no.

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Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 16

"so if we're done slandering me," venti said, "can we go? i don't want to be late, because that lunch rush takes up all the good seats." "and by good seats," art said, "he means the ones that'll fit guys his size." earl nodded.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Ninety-Six

There have been some unfounded and highly slanderous rumours going around about my friends, and even some about me. i do not wish to see them taken up by your people and put into print.

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Battleship Battle Part 1

Holtzer asked, "there lions mock our power, their panthers slander our peoples name, the tigers openly challenge out peoples power. these stolen ships are a result of their poor rule."

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Family Therapy: Rociel Hentzel

**yeah, here comes all the slander about how my dad is a "bad" person...** oh, ms. hentzel, i am not like that at all! i'm interested in how polyamory works sucessfully, no need to fret...

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Nice to Seat You Ch 1.3

Internet sites laughably considered news outlets started to write all manners of slander, both for the dragon and the things she worked passionately over. that whole evidence dragons have been huge and mighty?

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Friends in a Time of Need

_What more could you ask?_ _When your true friends are here not wearing a mask._ _What more could you need?_ _When your partner remains here helping you succeed._ _Despite the medical attention_ _The angry accusers stirring up tension_ _And the...

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The Trees

The shouts of oppression that the maples were slandering their oak friends with was getting too hard to bear. and the high and lofty oaks would shake their heads, their arms swaying in the breeze, as if to say no to these unreasonable demands.

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Burdens - Chapter 5: Extrication

He did not think the wolf would slander him, but even to a single other he would not have a bad reputation if he could help it. he checked his phone. no calls, no messages. a few minutes passed by. he sat in his bed, wondering if he should just sleep.

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Determination: Prologue

The fact the otter before him was slandering the character of king geris made his mind burn, but to claim that gerris would dare turn on salin just to save face? even so, he did all he could to remain calm.

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Chapter 1 - Shattered

She never seemed the type to listen to slander and had saved terra more then any other commander in the terran fleet. "not really... sir... my powers are..."

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