Family Ties

sen took a moment and nodded and took a deep breathe. zack smiled and rubbed sens' back. "don't worry little sen i'll make sure no one hurts you." sen smiled at his brothers encouragements but that didn't help with the feelings he had.

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College day's pt1

sen murred softly at the feeling and albine smiled watching the spectacle, "this is sen, sen this is lacy my oldest friend since i was a cub".

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The husky in The Moonlight

"pleasure to meet you", his father turned to sen, "this is my son sen he's happy to attend your university".

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Life in a middle school

sen followed into the empty room where the only sound was kyle grabbing cloths. he walked back and handed sen a shirt and shorts. "try them on." he said with a smile. sen smiled back and nodded.

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College day's pt2

sen turned around looking at the otter, "hey my name's chris", the otter extended a webbed paw. "sen, pleasure to meet you", he shook the otter's paw. the fur's at this university were so nice, thought sen as he smiled at the otter.

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A Happy Life

sen nodded and leaned into the wolfs black and blue fur and shade wrapped his arms around him. sen then looked up at the wolf and he looked down at the fox and they kissed.

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Tower of Ancients Chapter 11~ Luna Awakens

sen looked up as she saw a gruesome spider holding unto rebecca high in the trees. inuko looked at sen as he ran towards her, " sen, where did she go?!" he demanded.

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Tower of Ancients Chapter 9~ Truth of Raven

sen turned towards zen as she placed her hand on her chin, "i don't think mommy can age, zennie chan." sen said.

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Tower of Ancients Chapter 10~ Keeping a Promise

sen replied. rebecca looked at the two girls as she smiled and danced towards them playfully. sen joined hands with rebecca as the girls began to dance and swing around the boat.

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Tower of Ancients Chapter 8 ~The True Power of Zen and Sen

Seduced to a frozen statue by the warmth of zen and sen's lips.

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Fragment Memories

sen blushed and sighed. in his mind he thought some more then just toseed it aside.

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