The husky in The Moonlight
The Husky in The Moonlight
It's already 8:00 and the moon was full beaming down it's luminous beauty casting forth a light blanket of white and silver over the world beneath it. Under it's gaze hundred's of thousand's of fur's mingled amongst one another. Species of all sorts from Orca's to Scalies and maybe the occasional Herm in some cities. But for some this moon that shined in the sky like some ominous jewel on a universal behemoth would change their lives.
9 hours earlier
The morning sun rises to cast it's firey glare across the sea of trimmed hedges and morning sprinklers. The morning had began as simple as ever, but not for one fox by the name of Sen. He was your average black fox with a warm heart, sleek physique, and pure elegance. "No no no im gonna be late", the fox jumped from here to there and everywhere looking for the odd's and end's before he started his first day of college. The fox was so nervous he'd woken up earlier than normal. -Knock! knock!- "come in", cried out sen who was in his bathroom gathering his stuff. Sen's mom peeked through the door and smiled "time to head out hun your father's waiting", his mother was a black fox as well and rather attractive for her age. Sen zipped up his last travel bag and sighed looking at his now barren room, it was hard for him to believe this time had already came. Outside his father beeped the horn snapping sen out of his train of thought, "come on you dont want to be late if you want a good dorm".
Carrying his bag sen closed his door with a final glance taking his first step into his new life. Driving out of state sen sighed at all the new thing's he was seeing and put in his earbuds drifting off to sleep. As the car pulled to a stop his father lightly shook his shoulder waking him. "Time to wake up son", his father beamed proudly at his son, he'd never felt more pride in his life when his son was accepted into the university. "Already...", sen said to his father before stepping out of the car stretching as the warm wind blew over his fur eliciting a low murr from the fox he smiled. "I think im going to like it here." Unpacking his things a sharply dressed middle aged white tiger walked up th them greeting with a sincere smile. "Good afternoon", the tiger extended a paw to sen's father. "Im headmaster of the university Mr. Davis", sen's father shook the tiger's paw with a smile.
"Pleasure to meet you", his father turned to sen, "this is my son sen he's happy to attend your university". The tiger cast his eyes upon sen and smiled, "it's a pleasure to have you attend our university", he shook his paw, "im sure you will enjoy your stay here". The father asked curiously, "where may we find my son's dorm?", the tiger pointed to a large building on the East Campus, "those are the male dormitories there will be a female mous who will show you to your dorm, her name is Cindy." The family thanked him and hurriedly carried the luggage towards the dorm's. Stepping inside sen's expression became astonished as he looked at all the fur's in the room. "My goodness i guess this really is a great college", his mom said as his father talked to a slim looking brown mouse. Saying thank you his father walked back over to them with a smile, "sen your dorm is B24 on the 2cnd level but we'll take the elevator to make thing's easier". Carrying the luggage they boarded the elevator before to many had filled it up.
Reaching the 2cnd level they walked down the hall until he came to his room B24. Opening the door they awed at how big it was, and they had a full bathroom for two. "My this is nice", his father said as he set down the bag's beside the bed. It wasnt until this happened that he had taken notice to the other bag's of luggage next to the other bed. "Seem's you've got a roomy", his father chuckled hugging his son. "Sen you've made me prouder than any father could be", his father smiled on the brink of tear's. "I know you'll make something great of yourself", he hug's his son one last time. "Your a man now and im proud to call you my son". Sen smiled hugging both his parent's before watching them leave. -Sigh-, as sen began to unpack his belonging's his curiousity on who his roomy was still stuck to his mind. "Wonder what kind of fur he is", said sen. Someone must have heard him because as soon as he finished his sentnce a head popped around the corner.
"Hi there", cried out the soft voice. Startled sen turned around modestly smiling, "hello there", he walks over to greet the fur. "My name's Red from down the hall", the white lab smiled extending a paw he took the foxes into his own. "And you are?", the lab smiled before casually stepping into his room. "Smiling sen shook the paw taking note's of the lab such as the lab was invery good shape obviously playing some kind of sport. "Im sen", he smiles, "do you know who else shares this dorm?", sen pointed to the other bag's of luggage. "Couldnt say, there's to many new fur's this year i myself hardly have time to meet everyone so im just waiting for the crowd's to die down." The fox sighed still content on discovering his roomies identity.
"Well it was nice meeting you and if you need me im right down the hall," upon saying this the lab dissapeared behind the door and sen was left alone yet again. Finished with unpacking sen sighed flopping onto his bed. He figured he would explore the campus first b efore going to sleep, his classes started so early. This would definitely be hard to get used to. "Well...may as well look around", standing up sen headed out his door accidently bumping into another fur he looked up apologizing. "Im so sor...", he was cut off when his gaze fell upon a timid looking husky who was currently adjusting his glasses. -Chuckling- "no need to apologize", the husky smiled at sen warmly before holding out a paw, "my name is Albine but you can call me Kev if you want". Sen grasped the paw smiling at how tenderly the husky shook his own, "my name is sen", he smiles.
"Pleasure to meet you sen", the husky walks towards the room sen came from and something had dawned on sen as he watched the husky pick up a box and start unpacking it...albine was his roomie. " this your dorm as well?", the husky adjusted his glasses once more before smiling, "yes it is". Sen thought to himself about the lucky break he got, not only was his roomie kind he was also handsome and sen felt further at ease with such nice fur's.
8:00 (9 hour's later)
Laying on top of his sheet's sen turned and groaned in his sleep having a dream of a distant past before opening his eye's and sitting up. It was useless...for sleep would not find him on this night. Looking over to the other side he noticed the husky wasnt in his bed and thought, "I wonder where he went off to?". He was about to lie back down to try and sleep but a noise caught his attention, a splashing. Walking outside the fox murred at the warm breeze taking in the sweet scent of spring he walked along the path following his ear's as the sound got closer. Ducking behind a tree he peaked around the side watching in awe the spectacle he was witnessing. Underneath a full silvery glazed moon stood a figure, water gleaming like precious gems as it fell off his body in the moonlight. He gasped as it seemed a silvery mist enveloped the figure his eye's glowing a luminous light blue. Sen quickly retreated to his dorm crawling back into his bed with his thought's noticing the husky still wasnt back he slowly dozed off.
As he dozed off he kept one thought , "could that have been who i think it was?", before he had time to think about it he dozed off and 10 minutes later albine silently stepped in drying off with a towel he cast a glance at the sleeping fox and chuckled as he layed on his bed to sleep he grinned. He had thought he felt someone watching him and looked back at sen chuckling, "this is going to be a good year", he said as he fell into deep slumber.