Tragic Romance
The sun was just going down, sinking under the water of the Atlantic Ocean. Not to many people were on the beach, and most that were there were packing up and heading home. Under the pier there was two lupines talking. One of those lupines was me, the...
Rivalries and Romances
A romance story for once! might slate those of you with that particular pallete.. the above was a request from someone whom's handle is malice. characters: me. plot: me.
Workplace Romances
_Workplace Romances_ Kevin was destined for greater things. No, those greater things weren't astronaut or politician or "_coffee master_," whatever that was; but greater than the night shift at a crummy grocery store. The fact he hated his job was...
Romance vs Porn
romance needs buildup. while porn can exist in a single scene without any type of real world built around it, romance is a relationship. time, patience, and involvement are required for a reader to get anything out of a romance.
The Romance of Serpents (Illustrated)
- poem **the romance of serpents - by amethystine, the hopeless romantic ~or~ amethystine's conversation with the guy at the flower shop, prior to attempting to break the ice with marie** - _"she'sss an absolute vision in blue.
Romancing a little angel
#2 of through all hardships through all hardships chapter two romancing a little angel the bar was deserted in the mornings. no-one wandered in for alcohol, unless they were desperate.
Desolate Dreams of Romance
A lonesome canine returns to the only watering hole in town to look for romance in a place he'd failed many times before. all around me is desolate. the bar, the people it contains, all have a desolate past and desolate dreams.
Romance Rumours and Rocks
_Another little slice-of-life in the City of Wings._ _Inspired by a comment on the last story._ _(2,795 words)_ --- * * * Caden stood at the side of the school field, watching the morning bustle. It was still early enough that bright floodlights...
HIghschool Romance 3
King blinked waking up to a loud buzzing noise. He rubbed his eyes as he sighed. He noticed his phone was vibrating on his side table and he grabbed it. Flipping the phone open, the bright neon white screen blinked. Bold black letters across the...
Romance (Kreet - 41)
The blade-work was amazing, one moment flashing wickedly in arc after arc as the dancer leaped through the deadly blades, then the next moment she caressed the swords as if romancing them.
Last Chance Romance
"Spare some change?" The clinking of a cup accompanied the phrase, the sound of few coins jingling inside of it. "Spare some change for the needy?" The ewe repeated again, voice droning, exhausted. The winter chill bit at any exposed...
Call Me By Your Name Review
While recent oscar nominated features such as guillermo del toro's the shape of water, carry tropes from every genre, call me by your name is a romance film. granted guadagnino, hammer, and chalamet make it more than your average romance.