HIghschool Romance 3

Story by Kaze on SoFurry

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King blinked waking up to a loud buzzing noise. He rubbed his eyes as he sighed. He noticed his phone was vibrating on his side table and he grabbed it. Flipping the phone open, the bright neon white screen blinked. Bold black letters across the screen flash on and off.

"Shit!!" King shot up from his bed.

He got up in a blurr and grabbed his hoodie and ran out to the kitchen and looked at the time. He only groaned in frustration as he grabbed a slice of bread hitting it down in the toaster. He opened the fridge and grabbed a small bottle of orange juice cracking it open. He chugged the juice back, as if his life depended on the sugary fluid. The bread popped up and he grabbed that slapping strawberry jam onto the burnt piece.

He ran out the door toast in mouth as he grabbed his mountian bike and took off down the street. Nearly hitting a small silver car.

"Jesus! Wasn't that Kingdrin?!" The female dalmation said in a squeak.

"I think it was?" Yawned Benji.

Benji looked back as he arched a brow. He grabbed his coffee and took a sip of the latte.

The door opened the large male tiger yawned stretching in his blue outfit. He took a sip from his thermos and smiled as he walked down the stairs. He watched as his old friend from highschool was moving in with him.

"Emily, great to see you. Glad your done with that asshole." Ted said with a smile.

"Yeah, well Benji here didn;t need that kind of treatment." Emily said as she stepped out from the small car.

Benji yawned rubbing his eyes as he looked to his crush's father. Waved shyly as he grabbed a small box from the back seat. Emily giggled with her old friend as she noticed a female Jackel step out the front door.

"Hey I just relized. What happened to your honeymoon?!" Emily asked.

"We had to come back. We heard of a huge party that may be happening either this weekend or next week. So I was called back." Ted sighed irritated.

"Oh? So I take it thats why King took off this morning? Because his hobby?" Emily said looking down the street.

"NO, his mother is moving back he is off to get their apartment ready for them." Ted said with a sigh.

Emily blinked and smirked abit as her girlfriend of years was moving back. She nodded and they talked as Benji sighed as he walked up the stairs and nodded to the female jackle.

"Morning miss Summers." Benji said with a smile.

"Benji, I told you call me Kate." Kate smiled as she grabbed his box.

" Okay Mrs. Summers." Benji smiled.

" Heh, well you little booger. Your staying in King's room since he has the largest room." KAte smirked.

Benji's smile dropped as a blush creeped into his cheeks. HIs fur taking on a red hue. KAte smiled as she walked upstairs with the box and she snickers. Benji huffed and went back to get his other box's.

King panted as he locked his bike up out side the large apartment complex. He swipped the keycard and the door buzzed loudly. King opened the door and ran up the stairs. He got to the twentyth floor and groaned as he opened the door to find a large room filled with boxes.

King gave a growl as he slumped on a sheet covered lazy-boy chair. He looked over the boxes, and gave a sigh. He grabbed a large list as to what goes where. Even a hand drawn map of where the furniture goes. King only groaned in anger.

"You've got to be kidding me." King sighed.

Sasha hummed softly as she sat in a chair with her gay brest friend combing her hair. She smiled at the mirror watching her bestfriend as he smiled back.

"So who's the lucky guy?" Benji asked as he stood there in his pink dress shirt and nice blue jeans.

"Oh, he is shy so I am gunna get him to finally come out to me at the party." Sasha said with a smile.

"I want to guess its Dan isn't it?" Benji smilled.

"How'd you know?!" Sasha said as her eyes were about to bulgde out of her head.

"King tells me everytime after a party. He is always still high when he tells me. But he tells me everytime." Benji smilled as he used a curling iron in the Jackels head fur.

Later giggling and gossip was heard from the room as Kate and emily sipped on their tea. KAte smiled as she looked to Emily.

"So, when did he come out?" Kat asked.

"LAst year, After he came out everyone just left him alone. All but King and Sasha. Its strange you would think that they were siblings. But King and Benji were always close since they were young. Gabby and I have been friends since kindergarden." Emily explained, taking a drink of her tea.

"Oh, Well Sasha told me something about king. But I am not sure if he would like it if I told everyone. BUt I am afraid what Ted may think about it." Kate sighed looking to a photo of King and his father smilling after catching a large fish.

Emily looked over and smiled as she looked to another photo of Sasha, Benji and King all standing together smilling as they had just got their certifecates from highschool. She giggled.

"It's hard to believe they are graduating this year. It seems the years just flew by." Emily smiled.

"Yes, it does." Kate smiled with a sip of her tea.

Both ladies smiled and kept up with their talking as they drank tea.

King panted as he looked to his cell phone having only been 1pm he looked to the livving room. NOt a box in sight and the couches and seats all placed where they had to be. He grabbed a ciggertte pack and walked out to the porch. He grabbed his lighter and placed a smoke in his mouth and lit th lighter. Only to have the flame stop meer milimeters from the smoke. King was looking down when he stopped, he saw a familar stripped female and a scalie body with a purple hue to its scales. The moke dropped from his mouth, the lighter's flame dissappeared.

He took off into the apartment and flung the door open as he ran down the stairs, skipping three to four steps at a time. He stopped dead in his tracks as he nearly knocked over the tigeress. She squeaked as she looked up.

"Watch where your going you lil..."She stopped short for a reason and she stared for a second.

"Heh, what?1 Still can;t bug the old tigress?" King said with a wide grin.

"King!!!" The tigress squeaked and dropped her small box and grabbed her brother and hugged him.

King returned the hug as he lifted his sister up and twriled halfly and placed her on the top stair and chuckled. hearing a asp behind him and he smiled.

"Kingy?!?" The female dragoness nearly squeaked.

"Hey mom." King smiled.

The two ran into each other as King hugged his mother and nuzzled her neck as he smiled. The dragoness smild her self as she hugged her son close and tight.

"Umm, mom...you can let go..."King smirked as he was let go.

The dragoness giggled as she let go of her son. She grabbed her bag and they all walkd up the stairs together and talked. The rest of the afternoon King sent his time with his mother and sister.

Suddenly a nuzzing noise was heard and Benji blinked having taken a nap after his time with his girlfriend. He blinked seeing the text.

"Hey benji, time to get ready I've got a surprise for you tonight. I hope you will like it. King."

Benji blinked as he looked at the text. He sighed and got up as he went to the bathroom and began to get ready with a shower and his usual fragrence. His phone went off and he looked to it.

"Hey get your butt outside. Right now!"

Benji smiled and shook his head as he walked outside only to gasp in delight seeing King leaning on the hood of a new 2012 camero. The black sheen was outragouse and the red racing stripes going down the middle of the car.

"Holy shit! Where...How?!" Benji was at a loss of words.

"Well, they can aswer those for you." King said nodding back.

Benji looked over to see a tigress with a smile as she waved. A dragoness also smilling away as she waved.

"Deb! Jessie!!!" Benji jumped down the stairs and hugged up both females.

"Holy! Nji, its only been four years since we last saw each other." Deb said with a giggle.

"Yeah, well sis four years is too long." King said with a smirk.

"Yeah, Benji, your squishing me..."Jessie said.

Benji meeped and blushed as he let the two go and he smiled to them. he then looked to his crush and smiled as he walked towards the car. King only smiled and nodded.

King lookd to his mother and winked as he got into the car. Benji followed into the passanger side. The two males looked to each other and smiled as King pulled out of the drive way and took off down the street.

Kate and Emily blinked as they looked out the window hearing the car take off. They blinked and looked to each other, and snickered as they knew how the car came to be. King had been working hard for a car himself, working after school jobs and saving up since he was sixxteen. So all of them including Emily, all pitched in for a brand new car for King.

Twenty minutes later both King and Benji pulled up to buger stop where most kids went to usualy to hang out. Eyes were on them as King stepped out of the new car. Putting on a demi jean jacket and Benji came out wearing a nice pink dress shirt. Benji blushed as he looked over the kids all looking at them. Humans and fur alike.

"So, Benji there is one more surprise I have for you." King said with a smirk as he leaned on the hood once more.

Benji raised an ey brow as he looked to king. Only to gasp as King had grabbed benji by his waist and pulled him into a kiss. Benji's cheeks burned with a red hue, as he soon melted into the kiss and closed his eyes. Returning the kiss as he felt King's serpant like tounge snake its way into his mouth.

King felt his heart race like it was going to flat line. He then felt like nothing ele mattered as he felt Benji wrap his arms around his neck. King wraped his arms around the dalmation's waist.

The kiss felt like it was forever till they broke it. Benji breathed hard as he opened his eyes looking at his life long friend. Soon he was blushing as he just nrelized what happened.

"You.....b-but.."Benji stuttered.

"Benji, I have always loved you. When you came out I was so excited...but I couldn;t tell you. Because....well. I didnt want to ruin what we already had." King smiled.

"What we had?" Benji tilted his head.

" Well, we have been friends since we were kits. We have everything that a usual relationship has. All but the psyhical assets." King looked to his boyfriend as they were still outside.

Benji looked down s he ran his paw over King's shoudler. He smiled and bit his lower lip.

" I gotta give you more credit than I thought." Benji smiled.

Both of them soon walked into the bugerstop and all eyes were on them. The main two were Katie and chels. Katie's eyes watered as she now figured out why her crush never gave her what she wanted. She got up and walked out the cafe calmly and grabbed her coat from the hanger by the door.

Both King and Benji smiled as they ordered what they wanted and sat down as they ignored the eyes. Ate and talked as they held paws on the side of the table.

Outside, the blue ford truck was quiet and dark as the large male watched with a smirk on his lips.

HIghSchool Romance 4

Rain pattered the broken windsheild, flames licked at the black chrome metal. The flipped over car dented and beat up from the tumble over the ide of the highway. The old blue truck parked near the big hole in the side rail, that ripped apart like wet...

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HighSchool romance Part 2

Part 2 Benji yawned as the morning rolled in, the sun peaked in through the livvingroom blinds. His ears perked once he heard the shower start down the hall. He blinked and got up straightening his sweater, wincing just a bit rubbing his throbbing...


Highschool Romance

The hybrid sighed as he sat in class. The teacher went on about the world wars, how they caused problems for everyone. Kingdrin only sighed watching the clock tick slowly, they day dragged on for hours. the half dragon half tiger stood a good six feet...

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