Reignite - Chapter One

A woman sat in the silent shadowy depths of a pool, with her knees against her chest. She was utterly alone in the deep; the world above her was just a bad dream waiting to happen the moment she would surface. She just sat in the silence, alone with...

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I didn't reply him. I just stare right back at him. What am I supposed to say? We just stand and stare at each other for a few moments. Jo looks tired, as though he hasn't been sleeping well. I probably look as bad as he does - no,...

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Zombiology - Sand Crab

It's appetite reignited, the zombie shuffled off searching for another meal, following the barks of a colony of seals in the distance.

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13 Ash

No, i won't say who this was referencing; i don't need to reignite things best left behind. it started with a simple misunderstanding. a few words, poorly chosen at a difficult time.

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Hold On

Courage can see you through it, and love will reignite you. soldier on with my drumbeat; trust it to pave a new road, devoid of signs or structures. a new freedom for your world.

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Amber Scenery

You amber delight for my eyes, arranged in lower spectrum's rays, your tranquil colours reignite, a love for season's final fall. invigorating amber art returns the sense of endless youth.


Indigo Nights- Prologue: Cold

The closer they get to the crystalline flower, the more life reignites in their bloodstreams to wash warmth over them like the flames of a phoenix, filling them with the serene hope for survival in the face of certain death like the first light of dawn rising

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The Chapter Before the 1st

Snapping his claws to reignite the flame, he walked back over to where the chronicler was sitting. the question was patiently repeated and a nod was given in response. materializing a pen and paper, he gestured for the being to sit, but was declined.

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Void Incursions Prelude: Part 2

Sar reignited the drive of his ship and aligned towards the station on a parallel trajectory.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Sixty Seven

I craned my head around to look as well, and what i saw reignited a small spark of hope that i might actually get out of this mess alive. victor was coming after us, and he was riding a shopping cart.

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Past me, the Present: Jump!

We have tried ... will try ... to alter the custodians's instructions, to find more navigators and pilots in an effort to reignite the trade and communication between the isolated worlds of the voidsinger's hegemony.


Meeting, Pt. 1

Kyle's hopes were reignited, and responded like if he didn't respond fast enough, she would disappear forever. "i was just playing some games, you?" he responded, astounded she was using proper grammar online, like he usually did.

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