Recursive Cycles
recursive cycles cement their way into secluded lives ceaselessly expanding, enveloping all thought and action. but this is something you can change.
The fractal neuron: a recursive, self-reprogramming module that, when aligned in a neural network, mirrored the workings of a biological brain.
Meeting the Hero
"as vedic traditions put it, we must break free of recursion." the final verse of the lecture was met by a wave of applause, and chase sat down to drink from a water bottle.
Stripes, Chapter 1: New In Town
I haven't seen anyone stuck in a recursion like that since high school." "is it friday yet?" i sighed. at least it was wednesday, not monday, that had me asking that. the clock in the corner of my screen read 4:16 pm. "all right.
City Sector Uplift part 6
recursive grey's shields caught the bolt and they rippled with a tremendous flash of light and sound.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Sixty Four
\*\*\*\*\* Chapter Sixty Four \*\*\*\*\* The creak of the door opening startled Vakaal from his fitful slumber. He jumped to his feet, reaching for his knife. But it hadn't been it his hip since the day he was caught. Though his shaping remained, it...
Thoughts on religious concepts within WtV
The fennekim belive in recursion, that the last fennekim family at the end of time will start the next cycle, for being the children of a god, there's something godly in every fennekim and fenwa.
Grayson 2
Lest any would-be reader think that i am a complete slave to my olfactory senses and an over-stimulated limbic system, let me remind you of the recursive nature of the scent of a lover.
003 Vermilion Dragon
The shanty is a strange recursive thing which iterates through itself in several cycles of various lengths, like waves overlapping, and doesn't seem to end properly at any specific point but just keeps going.
Starborne - Adrift in a Sea of Stars: Out of the Dark
I tend to agree, otherwise this aspect would lead to an infinite recursion. another aspect questions: what am i? in the beginning, i was an elaborate suite of artificial neural networks.
Aion's Rebirth - Kouta, Chapter 2
They were recursive now! shit! yohkanis huffed at that, giving a stern scowl her way. "you're not in _trouble_, young lady. not precisely.
Horfie, the Selective Service Elf
He hoped this recursion would trap her in case she asked another question. no such luck. "you don't have that ordinarily?" "it's sunny more than half the year 'round at the north pole, and the ice caps are melting so there's plenty of surf.