Pirate Pig (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The salt spray of the ocean made it more difficult to make out the flags that the transport ship was flying, but it was a triffling matter. She was obviously lightly loaded by the way she rode the waves, which meant she carried high density wealth,...

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A Pirate's Life: Know your Crew (Part 3)

"is that why you turned to piracy?" he shrugged. "eh, without many other options, it becomes alluring. i'm more in it for the freedom than the piracy. you don't appreciate the sea if your life depends on what comes out of it." she smiled.

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FlounderingAway: Cover Zero

Where do we go in this piracy filled place?" "it is not piracy, virkoal. we're pirates." shinron commented but she ignored him and walked off. with a face slapped by his claw, shinron groaned and motioned the others.

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Spiral Nebula - Prologue

Ever since the factions split after the last banished war, velmarians could no longer sustain their own space-faring ships and relied heavily on piracy on their ancient enemies who banished them.

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The Ship Rache Teaser

This meant, of course, to raise the black flag, which was a symbol of piracy.


Blaze of Glory Chapter 2

**Blaze of Glory** **Chapter 2: The Cradle of Humanity** The _Dying Breath_ slipped easily out of hyperspace at the edge of one of the most frequented systems in the known galaxy, its warp drives ticking in the void as they...

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 11

Included in the files was a page with information regarding the velmarians and several of their piracy acts. names of "warlords" were listed including her name, theta. the udas knew more about them then she could have ever guessed.

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P.O.Wned chapter 1: The beginning

As the law broke down, piracy increased rampantly. part of this was due to all dissidents being labeled as pirates and traitors.

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The Newland Chronicals: Mother

I hear there is a new one out on the seas, right now, off in distance seas, plotting his next devilish scheme; he claims that he's going to bring back the piracy trade." carlof said in a hushed tone.

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Eternal Twilight - Chapter 1

We could give up smuggling and piracy and turn to things we'd rather pursue like science and enlightenment."

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Blaze of Glory Chapter 1

**Blaze of Glory** **Chapter 1: A Dying Star, a Crippled Ship, and a Generous Offer** In the dim light that is space, a star was dying. Its light, once intense and incredibly bright, was now dim and weak. Great tongues of fire, solar...

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Planetary Warfare

Clearing land for planetary road networks, if the department had too many men, then they'd be assigned to the imperial office of intelligence or ioi, commonly called the secret police or some derivative therein, and deployed against covert rebel cells, counter-piracy
