About Vue Projects
Some images might have been ran through pixllr-o-matic, pixelmator, and photoshop to achieve extra details, repairs, and effects.
group therapy Part 2
He's an arctic fox whose also in the complete wrong setting, another photoshop in an already surreal town. he's a cool dude, he likes hugs.
High School of Sex and High School Life
Those who left i will say sory for the long wait. i have been moving alot twice in a year infact. but now i finished and am back if you would like to see randy from my stories i just uploaded him and this is what i look like i swear. i took a picture and use photoshop
awesome art by a friend
Basic sketches will be 10 dollars color drawings will be 20 i also do photoshops of various things like symbols and logos, i'm thinking those might be around 15 or 20 depending on the complexity of the logo.
Dear Lover
The rosy dreams, the summer scenes; all a photoshop, all a filter that snapchat nor instagram could match. i had no grand motive nor reason; no rationale for vengeance nor domination.
The hack: Chapter 8 (Trent)
"yeah it was photoshopped if you look closely" she said. i looked at the photo and zoomed in which showed a perfectly clean cut of where my computer was taken apart which was obvious evidence that it was photoshopped.
Ram Girl
Another idea struck him, he could upload the pictures to his laptop and spice them up in photoshop. aouzy took the camera off the tripod and used the usb cable that was already plugged in his laptop.
The voice of reason - Ch 25 - What the heart once owned...
Once i opened the picture in photoshop, i edited and resized the picture so that would fit a normal 5x7 picture frame. cody's picture was printed in high quality at some photocopy shop. i gave cody a nice place in the window sill.
The Tiger and the Taxi
He couldn't blame him, though, the tiger did just stretch like someone used photoshop on him. the tiger grunted, then exhaled in an effort to slim down his thick stomach. the driver didn't even look back, unaware that his customer couldn't fit in his car.
Worlds apart Chapter 1 (rain and memories)
Story i'ev ever writen any tip's will help and i know this is not good i'ev never been good in this area so please keep any bad comments to your self i have no idea how to wright a story im only doing this untill i get the hang of drawing and photoshop
The hack: Chapter 2 (Trent)
It was nothing too special, just got ahold of his instagram password and used it to post a photoshoped picture of the principal and the math teacher holding hands and text which said that they were dating, he got in trouble with the teachers and was suspended
Bound By Blood.txt
While i may not be able to paint a masterpiece in photoshop, i would like to believe that i can weave a web of intrigue through the form of writing.