
This mouse was a girl like herself but olivia noted that girl was barefoot, and technically naked

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olivia leapt. stacy swung, connecting with the side of the werewolf's head. the stick cracked, its top half launching off somewhere into the night. the blow sent olivia tumbling into a bank of snow with a loud, crying yelp.

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Unwanted Protection

Even standing he wasn't eye level with olivia. the tips of his horns and ears were roughly even with olivia's chest... and he was getting shorter. "not too much smaller..." olivia shrugged.

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Fatherhood, Interrupted

olivia hated him. roger had utterly failed as a parent. it wasn't fair, to cindy, to olivia, to himself, to drag on this farce any longer. but how would he tell cindy? it would break her heart.

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Fatherhood, Interrupted

olivia hated him. roger had utterly failed as a parent. it wasn't fair, to cindy, to olivia, to himself, to drag on this farce any longer. but how would he tell cindy? it would break her heart.

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This Doesn't Make Sense at All! (TF/TGs)

olivia said shaking her head. "i did not have good now for breakfast, it was bacon and eggs!" olivia reached into jack's pouch, who blushed harshly and pulled out a strip of bacon from it. "here, have a snack."

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Fatherhood, Resurrected

olivia cried. the male's ears stood at attention. "oh, honey... it's not your fault," he whispered. "yes it is!" olivia replied.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 4

"it is one of the many problems why our people need us, olivia," replied a well-dressed male salamander. he stood next to olivia, watching the quarrels outside too.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 11

olivia couldn't help but to agree.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 7

olivia has yet to use a computer but oliver has been studying them for the past two weeks.

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Towers of Seshin: Part 3

olivia shrugged. "trevor probably slept with you once and remembered your face. he gets around like that." the wolf growled and turned to olivia. "that is not the reason and not true in the slightest!"

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Taking on a New Life: Part Sixteen

As usual, olivia and aria were squabbling, but that was nothing unusual, considering that olivia, to be fair to her, was quite a bit more talented than aria gave her credit for.

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