Destroying God by Being God

Despite the fantastic spectacle in front of them, and having heard its words, many of the Brotherhood began to fall and prostrate themselves on the ground, imploring pity and benevolence from the terror in front of them. I was curious what the big guy...

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Red's Tales: The Lost Child PT1

"his parents are offworlders. they thought it would be a good idea to have a picnic and take in the scenery." red shook her head. "and they didn't consult with anyone or hire a guide? that is stupid! not to mention irresponsible!

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Dangerous Thoughts -- Chapter 1

"ricio told us she can't make a way offworld anymore!" "she was unconscious for days!" "we could not reach anyone!"

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Snowlit Dawn - Book 2 Chapter 3

"oh, yes," erlash grunted, glaring at dorrin as he sat the bowls down in front of him and sabre, "because my son knows i just **love** havin' offworlders under our roof.

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Diner Shuffle (Otherwise Untitled)

And i got a lead; i've found a bottom link of the supply chain of grey market goods getting offworld from your colony."

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Dangerous Thoughts: chapter 2-1

Floating islands drifting through the toxic atmosphere of a gas giant--offworlders are stranded there, just barely clinging to life.

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The Loner, Chapter 1

A chance to go offworld. a chance to get closer to the things he spent his life studying. he found a ship chartered to go to a city on the edge of known territory, close to some ruins.

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The Loner, Chapter 1

A chance to go offworld. a chance to get closer to the things he spent his life studying. he found a ship chartered to go to a city on the edge of known territory, close to some ruins.

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Chapter Seven - Kethelon City

Humans and other offworlders were dressed more like kiole was, with long shirts and pants, and heavy coats.

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The Angel War

Our search did not even get offworld, as the tyr'ri had long since made the planet into one of the core systems of the federation, even moving the entire damm planet into the tyr'ri's home system.

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Alec's Adventures Chapter 8 - Trouble With Immigration

Up until now, communications between earth and offworld had been fairly slow, messages carried between planets by spaceship.

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The Galactic Leonian Empire

Many lupine "mercy missions", hospitals and camps for the wounded and sick of both sides, came under attack over the suspicion of funneling refugees offworld on their company transports.

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