The land of Jigramunt, The Keaton saga -part five

, his right arm over the keaton's right shoulder and his hand rested on the keaton's chest.

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Of Mice and Menace

keaton. shall we talk inside?" "who died?" "thomas glover." anticipating keaton's next move, i reached into my jacket pocket for my shield. i heard only one lock slide before the door inched its way open.

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The land of jigramunt, The Keaton saga- part six

Zachi said with a happy voice going from one shoulder to the other on the keaton #### "good... so why are we here?"

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The land of jigramunt, The Keaton saga - saga end

"well... seeing how i was already here once... my cord should still be here..." zachi said as he entered the tower, walking throught the main door with both the acolyte and the keaton following behind him. #### " you were here already?"

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Elisyum: The Great Lords: Prelude

Saint mihael: a city where the 5th main race lived, this city was were many people went to be purified and confess their sins to the ancient gods, the main race that lived here was the keaton, this city was mysteriously destroyed by a huge explosion

TCN interview: Byron Orr

You need to watch one of their movies, chaplin, keaton, and all the others. they did things with only visuals that today needs computers to accomplish. which deadly sin would you be: sin? or i don't believe in those things.

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No Pants, Only Masks

A keaton, to be specific. "ho ho ho hooooo!" the voice laughed. "in the end, i couldn't help but play a little trick! i promised you a mask if you won, but never that it wouldn't be cursed." "what are you talking about? this is great!"

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Engineering, Part 2

There is clearly more about him to discover and, like naomi mcleroy, he will probably keep coming back to tell me more about his intrigues... so stay tuned. ...and yes, there is a tribute to a certain line in the 1989 (keaton) batman film and a certain television

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Epilog -- Famous Last Words

. \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* for the sake of completeness, the encounter with "william keaton" was presented accurately, but to protect his anonymity, the name and species was changed for this book.

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