The land of jigramunt, The Keaton saga - saga end
#3 of land of jigramunt
"well... seeing ho...
"well... seeing how i was already here once... my cord should still be here..." zachi said as he entered the tower, walking throught the main door with both the acolyte and the keaton following behind him.
" you were here already?" boris asked as he looked around, the tower creaking as the pressure in the metal shifted around.
"yeah... i was in here trying to figure out how to get this thing charged when the lizard popped out of nowhere and began to chase me. so i had unpluged the chrono pack and bolted out of the tower"
"chrono pack?" thomas asked " you mean the device in the little black bag around your neck"
zachi seemed shocked when he relized that he had let the name go... but he sighed and spoke "yes... its called the chrono pack... the time teloportation device i stole in order to get here..."
"why do you want to be here?" thomas asked as he looked at the furret
" so i change the future, that is why... but i was aiming a little bit after the beginning so i could interupt the summoning and kill the vampire"
" kill silas? how?" thomas asked
" that... is what i have yet to come up with... i could only carry this bag with me due to my size.... so i couldn't bring with me my weapon"
" and your weapon is a sword im guessing?" thomas said
zachi nodded" yeah... it glows green like that blade boris is still holding"
"huh... well i guess the lizard could bring his..." boris said
" yeah... and it was his size that let him"
" explain how the size matters?" thomas asked
" if your bigger than the object your bringing... then you can bring it... if it is bigger than you... than you can not bring it"
" well... it seems i will be able to bring the sword with us" thomas said as he looked at it, the blood stain still on it ." we also need to get that thing washed"
boris looked at it and nodded " yeah... im beginning to smell it"
they walked throught the main room, which had a glass floor. they walked up a gaint flight of stairs, now walking on the third floor of the very tall tower. zachi led the two up another flight of stairs before entering the first room on the left, now standing on the fifth floor.
" ha... i found it!" zachi exclamed as he ran to the other side of the room.
thomas walked to the window if the room. as he looked out and down the tower, he saw tree roots climbing up the tower. his eyes followed the roots till it endded with an apple tree on the balcony that was connected to the room beside them.
" hey... anyone hungry... i spotted an apple tree on the balcony next to us... im surprised that it even made it up here..." thomas said as he went to the door.
"d-did you just say apple?" zachi asked as he looked back... his eyes wide open "i want an apple!!!!" he yelled as he scampered to the fox, bounding up his body and on to his shoulder "take me to the apples!!!" zachi said as he pointed forward.
the keaton smiled and chuckled as he exited the room and opened the door to the other room. zachi saw the apple tree on the balcony and jumped off thomas's shoulder, bounding for the tree. zachi giggled maddly as he went up the tree and picked off an apple, going back down the tree. zachi stopped in the middle of the room and bit into the apple, chowing it down in a matter of minuits as thomas just watched.
" well... i guess someone likes there apples" thomas said with a chuckle
zachi closed his eyes and smiled at the fox, nodding in responce
" hey thomas... do you see what i see?" boris said as he looked around the room
thomas looked around... seeing piles upon piles of green powder by the door. "do you think this is is what silas wanted?"
" i think so... he was after powder after all"
" but look..."
thomas noticed the apple trees roots that had made it into the room were buried underneath the piles of green powder. " do you think that this tree is producing it?" thomas asked
" i highly doubt it..." boris said as he swiped his finger throught the powder, some of it sticking. " if it was produced by the tree, then it must have some kind of property"
" and how would we find it?"
"through a seires of tests" zachi said as he went up to a pile " first test is the taste test"
zachi licked up some of the powder, then looked back at thomas and boris. first he didn't respond to the taste, then his face went bitter as he spat out the powder in a clump
" bleh bleh bleh bleh!! dont eat it.... it is really bitter! im going to go get another apple to get rid of this taste..."
thomas chuckled as zachi bounded away and boris picked up a hand full.
( throw it up in the air) said a voice that filled up thomas's thoughts. thomas knew it to be the dragon's
" h-hey... throw it up in the air" thomas said to boris
boris shrugged and threw it up. as the powder came floating down to the ground... nothing happend.
(well that was a waste of time...) thomas thought back
( look at the tree past the powder) the dragon said.
"hey throw another hand full up again"
boris got another hand full and tossed it up in the air. thomas looked at the tree as the powder fell to the ground.
thomas's eyes went wide. he saw a transparent female figure in the tree. thomas saw the female had red eyes and a pair of wing that looked like a butterflys wings. as the image of the female disapperd thomas called out to zachi, who currently was nomming on an apple in the tree.
"zachi! get down from the tree!"
zachi looked at thomas. "why?"
" this is why..." a female voice filled the air.
thomas watched the trees branches slowly begin to morph. the branches turned into long lines of thorns and the apples turned into roses. zachi had meeped and scamperd to thomas and boris, hideing behind thomas's legs.
"well... it seems that my own magic gave my camouflage away" she said as the trunk of the tree went away, the female standing there with ropes of thorns covering her half naked body.
the thorns swirled around her breasts and covered her nipples as they continued down and went inbetween her legs, creating a sorta cover. she walked gracefully for human as she approched the three in the room, her red hair going down to her shoulders.
she padded up to thomas and brough her hand under his chin, her face really close to his. thomas just looked at her,not even blushing.
" so... my little foxy.... aren't you even a little tempted?"
thomas lauged as he stepped back a foot "nope... im gay"
she frowned in disappontment and went to boris, doing the same to him as she had done to thomas
"well... tell me im pretty" she said
boris shook his head and said " i cant... im gay also"
she seemed to grow angry as her eyes locked on zachi, picking him up and bringing him to her face
" give into temptation.... dont you like me?"
zachi meeped and shook his head. " n-no.. your scary"
"hmmm is that so... well you have nothing to fear... death is only natural " she said, the thorns around her snakeing there way to her hands
thomas saw this and began to panic (let me take over, quickly!)the dragon said
thomas nodded and felt his body become alive with enegy he felt once before. all thomas could do is just watch as his body moved on its own again. thomas looked at boris... who didn't have the sword. thomas looked at the female and charged at her. doing a leg sweep as he stopped, the female fell to her side, zachi scampering to boris, hideing under his robes, between his feet.
" how dare you touch the queen of thorns!!" she said as her body began to float, now on her feet once more.
" how dare you try to harm the inoccent!!" thomas spat back, anger in his eyes.
boris and zachi looked in awe... the voice that thomas used sounded demonic...
" so... another presence.. oak... is that you?"
" who is this oak you speak of?"
" another demigod... one i must defeat in order to rise in the rankings"
" i am no demigod... i am the spirit of a dragon who is helping this soul... why must you attack the inoccent?"
" in order to gain fame from the ones above... so i will do all in my power in order to achive my goal!"
the queen raised her hand as four lines of thorns jutted from the metal below.
"h-how is that even possiable!" boris said from behind
the queen reached out ot the fox, the thorns darting to the fox at a very fast speed. thomas ducked to avoid the first rope that was aimed for his head. thomas then dogged to the side as the second rope tried to hit him from the right side.
seeing that her thorns were doing nothing, the queen let out a grunt of frustration. she stopped her thorns and stood there, a slight smile on her face. she brought up both hands above her as the metal exploded behind her, lines upon lines of thorns behind her.
boris ran out of the room with zachi behind him. thomas stood there and waited for something to happen.
she then gave a smile as she pointed to the fox, every line of thorns going for thomas.
as the thorns came, thomas ducked and dogged them. seeing how he was going to be overrunnned by them soon if he didn't move, he ran out of the room and closed the door, a few thorns being cut as the door closed.
thomas saw boris come out of the other room with the sword. thomas grabbed the sword and stood in the hallway, waiting for the queen of thorns to show herself. thomas watched as the thorns tore the door of it's hinges and the queen walked out.
" like a little door is going to hold me back" she said as thomas watched the thorns throw the door behind her. " well... it seems that you found a weapon... lets see what it can do"
she walked forward, the thorns creating a sheild infront of her. thomas swung the sword and cut right thorought the barrier, thomas comming face to face with the female. as the thorns he cut fell to the ground, thomas held the sword in ready position as he had pushed the queen back, anger now being realsed she yelled
"h-how is that possiable?! my thorn sheild can withstand even the sharpest blade... how is it that it has failed?!" she yelled as the regained her balance.
thomas smiled as he lunged forward, his blade meeting with more thorns. as he was sliceing throught them, he was caught off guard and pushed back by a thorn that had came from the metal below. thomas landed on his back, dropping the sword. he grunted as he got up once more.
the queen was only a few feet away when she smacked him across the face with a thorn, makeing him fall once more,blood now dripping from his cheek. the thorns wrapped themselves around his arms, legs, and mid-section, tearing through his clothes and puncturing his skin as the queen picked him up and carried him back into the room they were once in.
she layed thomas on the ground as she came up really close to his face.
" it would seem that you have lost... dont worry, you wont feel a thing..." she said as a thorn moved next to her face.
thomas looked around for something... then he felt powder under his right paw. garbbing a paw full, he threw it into the queens face, makeing her reil back and scream. the thorns that were wrapped around him had lossend up. fighting off the pain in his hand as the thorns punctured his hand,he grabbed the thorn line she was going to kill him with and stabbed it into the queens neck, makeing her stop and look down.
"w-what.... have you.... done...." she said as blood began to slowly come out of her mouth and neck, soaking the keaton shirt and chest in it. she collapsed on top of the fox.
thomas saw the thorns begin to fall one by one as the queen lay there on top of him, dead.
thomas couldn't move with out feeling pain, puncture wounds all over his body.
( i am going to give you feeling once more... i am sorry that it endded with you in pain) the dragon said
( i will be fine... thank you for protecting boris and zachi, even at the cost of my body)
thomas felt all feeling come back, pain overwhelming him as he yelled out.
"thomas?! thomas?!" boris called into the room
"i-im... alive..." he said back.
thomas watched the dead body move off him to the left side, boris looking down at him.
" oh my god... you need treatment, and now!"
boris slowly picked up the fox, thomas whimpering in pain.
" zachi! i need help!"
the furret scamperd into the room and went up to the acolyte's shoulder, looking down at the fox
" we need to get him to my time as soon as possiable"
" and how long... is that going to... take?" thomas asked
" about two hours"
" good... he needs to stop bleeding... there are to many wounds... he is going to bleed to death!" boris said, concern in his voice.
boris carried thomas back into the room they were originaly in and gently layed him down. boris bagan to rip off parts of his robe and tieing them around the keatons arms and legs. after that, boris took off the rest of his robe and tied it around the fox's mid-section, thomas yelling out in pain the whole time as he felt the pressure cause pain all over his body
" im sorry... i am so sorry..."
"its... fine..."
thomas closed his eyes and smiled... sleep drawing him into the darkness.
there is going to be another saga as the story continues... so just hold off till i can get the secound saga posted... thanx