Polaris: Chapter 1 Episode 1
These implants had helped jethro slog through fourteen hour shifts with minimal fatigue.
Chapter 10: Awakened
jethro seems surprised and seems to be protesting, but after a lengthy talk with them (which i cannot hear since it's so silent), jethro relents and said, "chance of plan. i'll go with you."
Angels and Sinners
jethro and veronica stopped to listen.
A New Dawn
Jet snapped out of his trance to look at jethro, who was looking at malcolm, jet's eyes rose to the stallion's face.
The Lion's Spots 1 - Pounced
He started the engine and connected his mp3 player to the radio, setting a play-list of jethro tull long enough to last him as far as the airport.
Sing In Me, Holy One, and Through Me
"you got no call lookin down yer nose at me, jethro smith, i knowed rogers's took yer pay for work every bit as dirty as he done for me!"
Crescent Moon Bay (AuAuAdAd #1)
So, she settled on the lunatic who decided to play an entire jethro tull album, start to finish. "fuck it! can't decide which song i want." he laughed, with the glee of some james bond villain, "look to the skies, my friends!