Inverse Dissonance

We bend and break and repair, to the rythym of inverse dissonance.

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Bonds of Love (3)

'x-y=x+y' "um that's the inverse" some of the people laughed "yes, we all know it is the inverse, we are in profs so take your head out of the clouds and listen for once." she knows i can't do profs to save my life. "yes ma'am" i answered.

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A Price for Everything pt 3

"first challenge, inversion!" angelmaris sounded in his mind. "it's just your perceptions, not the world itself. just... fly straight, you idiot, don't angle towards the ground. dive! dive you feather brained fool!"

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A Price for Everything pt 4

He pulled his wings back as he coasted in an inverse dive, flaring to slow himself as he came close, and latched onto one of her wings near the shoulder.

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_(august 10, 2018)_ i wake up abruptly to meet the sky at night; illuminated; glowing with stars so bright; it is these stars that represent my might; inversely - each one represents the extent of my plight.

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The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 7 - Inversions

The feast-hall of Ro'Xanshin manor had been laid out in a warmer fashion than the greeting hall, with gauzy curtains of thin yellow silk to accent the sun's light and furnishings of dark balak-wood with covers and place-settings of the house colours of...

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 6- Team Sharktooth

"it's called the 'inverse orb', and what a very powerful item it was to be banned from use by the guilds themselves. what else was i supposed to do with it, use it as paperweight?" "the inverse orb."


Gender Roles

**_gender roles_** **_ _** **_ _** _contrary to popular belief, hyena gender roles are not simply a complete inversion of the norm, nor are they the females rule, males are useless nonsensical drivel oft spouted by the lionessist cult and the


An Alternate History For Placodonts

Most similarly remained coastoal/freshwater taxa, but several took to life in the open seas, developing flippers and either reducing their carapace like leatherback sea turtles (as well as a few placochelyids) or by inversely expanding it into broad lift-generators

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260 The Ship Of Millions Of Years

Not only more stable, but also more plausible in the new universe, that could have existed from the start, a mass of tumbling core materials, heavy silicates and heavier platinum group metals, a skyscraper of polished basalt with iridium fittings like an inversion

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Destruction- Chapter 9- Guild Under Siege pt. 1

She then asked her invaders, "i have but one question for you: the inverse orb- are you under its influence?

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A Price for Everything pt 5

She closed her eyes, and he moved in front of her to let her follow his tailwind, guiding her out of the inversion.

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