#2 of intelligent life serise intelligent life ` our story is placed in the not so distant future. the year is 2018 and the world is much the same as it is today. nasa having been hit with sever budget cut backs has all but closed doors.

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Voluntary Intelligence

John had received the notice only the day before. "Dear Mr Gallin you are hereby invited to receive your award for your consistent efforts for charity since enrollment." The letter went on, but the gist of it was that they would give him some...


intelligent life part 4

#5 of intelligent life serise chapter 13 abc of wolf after the first encounter of grey and snow things were touch and go for the first few weeks.

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intelligent life part 3

#4 of intelligent life serise chapter nine freedom through the fence sarah returned to the camp yawning after driving for 5 hours to get there. they had spared no expense building this 20 acre habitat.

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Intelligent life part 8

#9 of intelligent life serise chapter 22 freedom the next day snow was all a glow running about the enclosure acting like a pup rolling about.

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?Thenyr peered around. He felt uncomfortable in this cave, as he couldn't be sure which way to the sun. He walked carefully, sneaking as best he was able while carrying metal, trying to find where his contact was. He didn't trust the kobolds one bit,...

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Answer wasn?t like the other AIs on this server. They were smarter, better able to express themselves to non-AIs, and nobody knew better how to calculate a Hohmann transfer orbit faster than them. I on the other hand could calculate perfectly that I...

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The First Day of the Rest of My Life - Chapter 1

I'm an artificial intelligence, a construct of another being, and i have just met my creator. it feels so good to begin to understand what is happening, but the creator still didn't answer my question, so i clarify, "but why?

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Mystery Savior Ch. 12

I went to my locker and grabbed all of the books that I would need for my homework before I headed out to the front lawn. I couldn't help but smile at the fact that several people were trying to hide the fact that they were waiting for me to head out....

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Dr. Jordan gave Astrid a look over her drink. "How's your paper on AI psychology going?" The young grad student gave Jordan a shrug. "I'm not sure. My original intent was to get a better idea of how morphs engage in real time threat analysis...

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Ring of Blood

When I finally woke up, the world had ended 1,500 years ago. But that was okay, because God built a new one. ### I stood outside on the neatly manicured lawn of the waking center. Through the open archway leading inside the recovery room. I...

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"The Thin Line," Part HH

\*\*\*\*\* Any fur observing me for most of the afternoon would have decided that I was either bored or that I had gone somewhat around the bend. The squaddies who were continuing work on the forts were probably of the latter view, since most...

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