Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:26)

fawful`s kiddnapping jr!...again..."damn you fawful!" you scream. "have no danming at the one who is fawful. fawful only is going to be taking the koopa king`s prince of priceness." fawful says. he burst out the window. "go get the other kids.

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:27)

"are you wanting to have he dating of the one who is fawful. fawful is liking the nice soul you are having." fawful says. "how about a nice one. the one thing every woman likes." you say. you hold one of fawful`s hands. he smiles at you.

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:19)

fawful is kiddnapping jr!!!! you charge at fawful. he hovers above you. you jump up, and grab his hovering thingie. it falls. you catch jr. bowser walks over to fawful. you don`t look, as bowser eats fawful. when he`s done, he walks over.

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:21)

Again 030 (preveously-fawful starts getting closer...closer...) \*now\* you scream in horror. bowser comes in. "you are falling for the trick of trickiness fawful has planned." fawful says. "you have eaten the robot of fawful!" he chants.

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:20)

fawful gets closer...closer...(stay tunned for pt:21)

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:24)

A device fawful stuck on you broke! it pushed against your spine, and hurt your back. you see something in the distance...sherbert! koopa troopa`s girlfriend, sherbert, is comming toward you. your demon-like eyes widen. the 2 koopas comming toward you.

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Confessions of an Inarian Rock Star: Chapter 1

"now, get awn home to ya mommy, she's waitin' faw ya." he reeked of liquor and b.o., and even though society threw him out as a useless drunk, he seemed like an angel in my eyes. "ok," and i ran across the street when the light changed.

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