The Unfortunate Musician

He didn't give too much thought for much else than this; he didn't want to stress his mind too much - he was about to sign a contract to play as a musician! (but the environment around him felt uncomfortably unnerving.)

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Summer Sushi (redux)

Plus there were other confusing factors that held him back from wanting to delve too deep into pursuing a relationship just yet- things that didn't relate to being a working musician. he forced the subject out of his mind.

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Five Minutes Of Fame [Commission - TF, Puppets]

#2 of commission work randall, a local musician, gets a gig at a new spot - and gets more than he bargained for. commission for anonymous user (unless they wish for me to state their name)!

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Samovar: a poem

More musicians joined in and a shindig began while cedric and sam, to the front gate they ran. they hoofed down the road at full tilt, hand in hand, when came cries of shock from behind with the band.

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Peter and the Fox chapter 1

He paid little mind to the practice routines but was instead much more interested in the musical element which he was certain would begin soon on account of the group of musicians that were filing into the room.

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Seas Be Ours - Chapter 3

That mad glint flashed through victor's eyes as he grinned up at the musician.

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Raised by musicians and librettists, i was to be their voice. it fell on me to grow the fruit of their vision. the irony is not lost on me.

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A Call to all artists/animators/writers/muscians/actors/and people with ideas!

I've got a big project in mind, and I need a lot of people's help to make it happen. I need a lot of different people with a lot of different talents to make it happen. If anyone is interested in hearing me and my idea out please please please!!!!!!!!!...

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Soul Makossa- Part Two

With his chord-playing providing a rhythm, the other musicians whipped the crowd into a frenzy as mamadou whispered into the microphone "makossa!"

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Somewhere Only We Know: Ch. 2

The musician wondered if he could get used to it himself.

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Soul Makossa- Part Three

The payment from his jobs as an english tutor and as a musician in new york would pay more than his job as a canner. plus, it was actually skilled work that required effort.

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The Kingship I

A piece of glinting copper flew through the air; it landed with a soft _clink_ amongst a pile of similar coppers by the musician's feet. the musician increased the speed of his song, melding seamlessly into a different tune.

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