Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:20)

Story by Bowserkill123 on SoFurry

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#20 of Stories

You`ve completely changed, but...You like the new look.....

(preveously-You feel pure evil...) *Now* You stop walking. You look down at Jr. He giggles. You look up at Bowser. He gasps. "A-a-are you....ok?" he asks you. "Im fine, why?" you respond. Bowser points to your eyes. "Your eyes are red!" he says. You give Jr o Bowser., and take off running. You find a mirror. Sure enough, the colored part of your eye is red. You like te color, but the white part of your eye has turned black. You grow fangs, and claws. Furry ears, and a tail pop out. You grow bat wings. Bowser walks in. You look at him. You like your new look. Bowser looks at you. Youve been taken over by the Dark Star! You walk out of the room, pushing Bowser out of the way. He watches you. You just look at your claws. You feel soo evil. You want to just go on a rampage. You walk, and you get a huge surprise. Fawful! You look at him. "Fawfuls new girl-wolf is going to be the mustard on the sandwich of victory!" he chants. You watch him. He tells you to follow him. You take off in the other direction. Fawful follows you. You try to hide, but you cant! Soon, your cornered. No way out. Fawful gets closer...Closer...(stay tunned for pt:21)