Voices of the Silenced

The hell that they have endured so haunting yet so similar working hard to help yet so afraid of making a mistake like the whole world is waiting for me to make one mistake with eyes that burn like the sun on a hot summer day i'm supposed to set an example

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**Animal Warrior** **agility** d10 **smarts** d6 **magic** d4 **spirit** d6 _fighting_ d10 _r. fighting_ d4 _stealth_ d6 _survival_ d4 _intimidatio_n d6 _streetwise_ d4 _taunt_ d4 3 edges (Animal, Armor, First Strike), 2 minor...


Example of a School Visit

Hello friends! My name is [insert name here] and I am here to talk to you about Hyloprim. How many of you know what that is? [Wait for the raised hands and smile] That's great! It seems like some of you already know what I'm...

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Story book hijinks commission example.

But i'm using it as an example for my writing style. **the sun shone through a small window in the corner of jake's home office, shining onto the soft light brown wooden table in the corner of jake's home office.

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Comfort Zone ("Under 1000 words" story example)

Comfort Zone It seemed as if life itself was against Rika. Or, if there was any viable evidence that a supreme entity existed, it was a cruel deity, and one that found sadistic joy in making the wolf's every waking moment a living hell. She was...

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A guide to understanding COC

example: coc:part 2:earth:chapter 2 or coc:part 2:maligaia or something the similar. the first example says that the story is of the coc series. it is from part 2 of the coc series.

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Author's Freedom

Meh, it was just an example story anyways. brian is not important at all, i mean, he is faceless! _"what, why!? i want to be in other stories too!"_ no brian, shut up. you have only been made for the sake of example.

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Fenária RPG

For example, the "cat-people". - general description.


Airelus, Chapter 0 ~Prologue

The classic fireball spell for example is not physical aside from the end effects, and freezing water is just a form of slowing the molecules within down.

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Valkyrie Travel Guide - Part 1 - Terra

Tigers originated from the hotter continents on terra, like for example gia.

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A werewolf guide: Magic

The examples i said in the beginning could count as curses. the process of ether fredrick or valrez bearing a child also counts as an example.

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Yoshi's Anthro dragon education Summary

A perfect example of this is athena. her wings were never developed which is why they never grew back after they were amputated water dragons can even use their power to heal others in the same way.

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